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All Other Versions

Talk about your other favorite Tecmo Bowl game franchise here. From the original NES Tecmo Bowl to SNES and Genesis Tecmo Super Bowl versions to the latest release.


  1. Tecmo Bowl

    General discussion on the original 1989 NES, Game Boy, and original arcade versions.

  2. Tecmo Super Bowl I

    General discussion on the 1993 SNES - Sega Genesis versions.

  3. Tecmo Super Bowl II

    General discussion on the 1993 SNES - Sega Genesis versions.

  4. Tecmo Super Bowl III

    General discussion on the 1995 SNES - Sega Genesis versions.

  5. Other Tecmo Bowl Games

    General discussion of every other miscellaneous version not all ready listed.

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  • Our picks

    • Tecmo Super Bowl 2022 Presented by TecmoBowl.org
      Tecmo Super Bowl is the greatest sports video game of all time. Now, 30 years after TSB made 8-Bit legends of Bo Jackson and Lawrence Taylor, TecmoBowl.org proudly announces the belated release of Tecmo Super Bowl 2022. This site's 14th yearly iteration updates Tecmo's NES classic with up-to-date post-season rosters, graphics, schedules and play books for all 32 NFL squads.  Additionally, you can now check the defensive conditions of your players.
      Playable on multiple platforms and operating systems via NES emulation software, Tecmo Super Bowl 2022 brings Nintendo's bone-crunching classic to today's computers and handheld devices.

      Tecmo Super Bowl 2022 by TecmoBowl.org is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
      Based on a work at http://tecmobowl.org/.
    • Sblueman's and Tecmonster's early TSB 2022 editions out
      Start playing some 2022 Tecmo Super Bowl with these early releases from longtime rom makers sblueman and tecmonster
      • 0 replies
    • USFL '84: Kings of Spring
      USFL '84: Kings of Spring
      -7 minute quarters
      -Stats after every quarter
      -Wedge Returns
      -Directional Punting
      -Run and Shoot formation for Houston
      -What If Players
      -'84 Rosters as close as possible (there were a lot of midseason trades, so I tried to place players on rosters where they made more appearances)
      -New Orleans Breakers
      -Graphic Tweaks, including funky end zones (watching USFL games I came to admire how bad the end zones often looked)
      -Stat Tweaks
      -3 team, 3 Division Structure
      -12 teams make playoffs (as opposed to original 8 teams)
      -18 game, locked, '84 schedule
      -All Pro: '84 All-NFL Vs. '84 All-USFL in Vanilla (slightly modified in What If--All-AFC Freeman McNeil replaces Payton)
      There are two versions of this rom:
      Vanilla--the more I experimented with rosters, the more I realized I needed some balance. Vanilla has more accurate rosters. 
      What If Edit--this is the counterfactual version, a little harder (not super juiced, but all clubs start 2-0 in terms of difficulty). This includes the "What If" Rosters.
      Note non-TSB players: as this is an edit, and if you are playing TSB for the first time, this rom lacks the 2-point conversion implemented in USFL. Also, no touchbacks on kick-offs.
      The Read Me includes a partial narrative and explains roster placements. 
    • Tecmo to Release Augmented Reality Mobile Game 'Tecmo Go Bo'
      Piggybacking off the success of Pokeman Go, Tecmo Co. has decided to tap into their popular Tecmo Bowl franchise and release their version of an augment reality game where players are to go out and track down as many Tecmo players as they can find.
      "We've found that there is a market for this combination of nostalgia and recreation" said company spokesperson Fakati Persono. "Our characters will be located on the blockpass chain which will lead to non-fungable Tecmo (NFTs)
      For more information, check the date of posting for this completely fabricated story.
      • 2 replies
    • (NES) Goji's NFL Tecmo Super Bowl LV
      View File Goji's NFL Tecmo Super Bowl LV
      - All 32 NFL Teams!
      - (NEW) 2020-2021 NFL Schedule!
      - (NEW) RAMS and WASHINGTON TEAM mini / large helmet updates!
      - Team SIM ratings based upon success in the 2018-2019 season.
      - Halftime Stats!
      - Press START instead of B to throw a lobb pass.
      - Hybrid Defenses. (Extra defensive backs!)
      - (NEW) 2019 AFC & NFC Pro Bowl Rosters
      - (NEW) Rosters 2/7/21
      • 1 reply
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