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Found 24 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Tecmo Super Bowl 1991 - TikTok Team is a rom I made for a group of friends that are fans of retro games and Tecmo Super Bowl 1991 on TikTok. Sblueman's Redux roms inspired me to make the fixes to the original game that have always bothered me. I combined those two projects. I am posting the original version, a Week 8 juiced version and a Week 17 juiced version. Things I Fixed: Uniforms fixed so that one team is always dark and the other is white. Elimination of reverses, bad motion and slow developing plays. This was done to help minimize the pre-snap tells on the offense. 8-10 different playbooks were used to make the computer teams tougher to beat. A handful of players that were omitted from the game in 1991 were added. For example, Eric Dickerson is on the Colts now. Thanks Sblueman. I even named Jim Kelly, Bernie Kosar and Randall Cunningham which I have always felt was blasphemy. Deion Sanders was added as an Atlanta WR to allow him to be KR/PR. You're welcome Prime! Some teams sim data has been increased or decreased to better represent what actually happened in the 1990-1991 season. I also changed some team's offensive philosophy for the same reason. A few players ratings were also slightly tweaked from what I considered to be a gross representation of how they really were as players. Pro Bowl - NFC is still the best possible roster while the AFC was tweaked to have THE WORST possible team. Good practice/challenge. The TikTok Retros team replaced the Seattle Seahawks roster. I Considered But Didn't: Minimizing NT strength and/or increase C strength in an attempt to eliminate NT/DL lurching. I would love a permanent fix for this issue.
  2. View File Tecmo Super Bowl 1991 - TikTok Team Tecmo Super Bowl 1991 - TikTok Team is a rom I made for a group of friends that are fans of retro games and Tecmo Super Bowl 1991 on TikTok. Sblueman's Redux roms inspired me to make the fixes to the original game that have always bothered me. I combined those two projects. I am posting the original version, a Week 8 juiced version and a Week 17 juiced version. Things I Fixed: Uniforms fixed so that one team is always dark and the other is white. Elimination of reverses, bad motion and slow developing plays. This was done to help minimize the pre-snap tells on the offense. 8-10 different playbooks were used to make the computer teams tougher to beat. A handful of players that were omitted from the game in 1991 were added. For example, Eric Dickerson is on the Colts now. Thanks Sblueman. I even named Jim Kelly, Bernie Kosar and Randall Cunningham which I have always felt was blasphemy. Deion Sanders was added as an Atlanta WR to allow him to be KR/PR. You're welcome Prime! Some teams sim data has been increased or decreased to better represent what actually happened in the 1990-1991 season. I also changed some team's offensive philosophy for the same reason. A few players ratings were also slightly tweaked from what I considered to be a gross representation of how they really were as players. Pro Bowl - NFC is still the best possible roster while the AFC was tweaked to have THE WORST possible team. Good practice/challenge. The TikTok Retros team replaced the Seattle Seahawks roster. I Considered But Didn't: Minimizing NT strength and/or increase C strength in an attempt to eliminate NT/DL lurching. I would love a permanent fix for this issue. Submitter fatcheerleader Submitted 09/24/2024 Category Misc ROMs  
  3. Hi Everyone, So I started editing the original 12 Tecmo Bowl for a 2018 roster update, which will eventually be 3 total updated roms, one with the original 12 teams, and the other 2 will consist of the other 20 teams plus a few reappearances of teams from the original 12. When I run Tecmo Bowl Manager on my laptop and load the rom, I see the changes I have made to the rom. However, If I copy the rom over to my android phone and run it on my emulator, none of the changes I have made are reflected. The rom essentially looks untouched. Anyone else have this happen?
  4. I have seen the documentation for editing the 32 team Tecmo Bowl via a hex editor but I was just curious to see if anyone has tried to modify the Tecmo Bowl Manager created by Emuware. I know that it was designed to allow users to edit the original 12 team rom but has anyone tried to alter it so that it will edit 32 team tecmo bowl roms?
  5. A friend sent this tournament to me. It is the original Tecmo Bowl so I probably won't be attending but thought I'd share. Nice prizes for the winner (32" Smart TV & NES Classic). You can read about it/sign up here: http://staydriven.org/tecmobowltournament/
  6. Will Koei Tecmo ever release a new version of this game for PC, Xbox or playstation? Or is that impossible because Madden has a monopoly on the NFL license? One can always dream...maybe they can release a new updated game, with updated graphics and mechanics and just have an easy way to update rosters and plug in pics for the helmets? So, people could easily put in the new NFL roster without having Koei Tecmo pay for it or deal with it?
  7. I absolutely love this version! Old legends plus new great players, incredible concept! There was some serious love put into this edition. This is the greatest version of the game I've ever played. All my friends I've shown this to, love it. But the first thing they ask when we play it is "Where's Bo Jackson"? I don't understand why he's left out. He was the great player in the original Tecmo Bowl. Is he a hidden player maybe?
  8. My son recently bought Madden 16 for Xbox One. It's my first time playing it since my super Nintendo days. I have to say the passing is really good and enjoyable. Having a different button associated with different receivers makes alot more sense. But, the running still feels bad. It feels plastic-ee and laggy. Switching directions takes too long and takes the fun out of it. Has anyone else gotten a taste of the dark side (newer Maddens)? If so, what are your thoughts?
  9. Does anyone have access to the Tecmo Bowl Kickoff instruction manual? I can't find any pdf's or anything through google.
  10. Good afternoon everyone. My name is George and I am new to TecmoBowl.Org. I am the new Volunteers Coordinator for the Long Island Retro Gaming Expo which is planned to take place on August 13th, 2016 at the Upsky Hotel in Hauppauge, Long Island, New York. Here is the link to information about the expo: http://expo.liretro.com/ I personally suggested to the organizers that there should be a Tecmo Bowl tournament at the expo. At the moment, I am trying to gather information about how to run a Tecmo Bowl tournament and make it attractive to not only the general attendance, but also the Tecmo Bowl community. Hopefully, once I gather information and have discussions with the organizers about this, I hope Tecmo Bowl will be added as a tournament and the tournament can be promoted and advertised for the expo. If there is anyone from New York/Long Island who would be able to assist me with the rules and format, and, in general, if it was possible to get feedback on how to make it successful, I would greatly appreciate it. Also, if you would like to run a Tecmo Bowl tournament at the expo, I can provide you the contact information to the Events Coordinator and continue further discuss. Plus, if you are from the area and want to be a general volunteer, please let me know. We do not have the incentives program finalized at the moment, but we are trying to make it reflect our appreciation for your sacrificed time and dedicated volunteerism. For the tournament, I would like to keep it at Tecmo Bowl for the NES, even though I personally own and like Tecmo Super Bowl for the SNES better . Thanks for all your feedback and support. I really hope to create a successful Tecmo Bowl tournament for everyone and get to meet the Tecmo Bowl community at the expo! P.S. I am also gathering information for NHL 94. We had a tournament last year, but the numbers were far less than expected. Just like Tecmo Bowl, I hope to gather information about the game and discuss with the organizers to add a NHL 94 tournament back into the expo and promote its inclusion in advertising, as well. Please message me if you have any information about NHL 94 or the appropriate forum to go to. Thanks.
  11. TheFes75

    TB Rules?

    Brad, I've attached a video of Roger Craig getting positive yards on a running play on a play pick. Would this be allowed under your rules? VIDEO0009-0-1-0.mp4
  12. What? Original Tecmo Bowl tournament Where? Beercade in Omaha. 6104 Maple St, Omaha, NE 68104 When? March 20th, 1PM Entry fee? $15 Team selection? To mirror Tecmo Madison/Lincoln process Sign up? Beercade's challonge page > http://challonge.com/beercade_tecmo_bowl Rules? See full list at challonge link above. -- Pay the day of at Beercade...but please sign up to help aid the organizers with an estimate of attendees. -- Format of competition and Prize payouts TBD by number of attendees. See the sign up page for more details. -- Prize giveaway held for entrants between opening round and tournament. --15 Participants signed up so far.
  13. I'm taking a short break from my historic RBI Baseball ROMs and putting together a couple historic Tecmo Bowl ROMS (the original, not Tecmo Super Bowl). Here's one based on the 1992 season. I chose 1992 because, as a Steelers fan growing up, this was a great year to be a Steeler running back (Barry Foster - 1690 yards). I based the ratings on the stats for the season. Although Christian Okoye was a beast in previous games, during this season, not so much (448 yards rushing). The teams included, based on the playoffs this year, are the Buffalo Bills, Miami Dolphins, Pittsburgh Steelers, Houston Oilers, San Diego Chargers, Kansas City Chiefs, Washington Redskins, San Francisco 49ers, Dallas Cowboys, Philadelphia Eagles, New Orleans Saints, and the Minnesota Vikings. BaronROMs.wordpress.com Tecmo Bowl 1992.nes
  14. TECMO TEXAS Sunday, January 26th 2014 11am Three Links in Deep Ellum (Link http://www.threelinksdeepellum.com/) $20 Entry Fee. 32 person tournament. All money will be in the prize pool. Top 8 will get paid out. We have always done a tournament at our buddies house around Super Bowl week but this time we're taking it to the streets! We we inspired by our homies in Madison and wanted to do our own Tecmo tourney in Dallas. All are welcome! Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/578826822191791 Signup by sending an email to [email protected]
  15. Version 1.2.0


    This ROM is the greatest teams in each franchises history. Let me know if there's anything you believe to be an error, this ROM was done by one person and is likely to have mistakes. White stars by players name denotes that they were Pro Bowl that year and red star denotes All-Pro selection. Enjoy!
  16. Version 1.0.1


    All, Welcome to TB32 49ers Playoff teams! This was just a pet project of mine. I'm a big 49'ers fan and since my Niners have not been to the playoffs in 3 years and may not get there again this year, I have put together this ROM with all of the 49'ers playoff teams since 1970. This ROM provides All 24 49'ers playoff teams since 1970. All of the opponents the 49'ers lost to in the championship game or Superbowl since 1983. (83 Washington, 90 NY, 92 Dallas, 93 Dallas, 97 Green Bay, 11 NY, 12 Baltimore and 13 Seattle). The 70's teams that took Dallas to the brink only to lose in the Championship game and watch Dallas go on to win a Superbowl The Team of the 80's! Young's 49'ers (Could he best Montana or was Joe Cool that damn good?) Replays of heartbreaking Championship games! Replay that Super Bowl against Baltimore! Any how this was just a fun project that I put together. Even if you are not a 49'ers fan check it out maybe it will open you up to some history you didn't know about. If you see anything that needs fixing let me know!
  17. We run an HSTL style draft league using Original Tecmo Bowl rosters as well as Famicom Japan. We also run tournaments with OG rom. Hit me up on discord if interested. We currently have a good mix of talent and always looking for new players.
  18. EDIT: Changed Jack Trudeau pass speed on the Average Joe team was throwing nothing but submarine balls. Also cleaned up the Average Joe NFC team colors to not look close against the NFC All Stars I've been working on somethings for our online league. I made a rom with the following: 2 sets of Original Teams with fixed playbooks for Minnesota & Washington. 1 AFC All Star team 1 NFC All Star team 1 AFC Average Joe Team. Worst AFC players 1 NFC Average Joe Team. Worst NFC players 1 Famicom Stars Team full of unique players only to the Japan release. Attaching the same rom but with set command from xplosv with pursuit hack for tougher drones on defense. Also have the same rom but Washington and Minnesota has their Original WR reverses for those who want to keep it more pure. SAME TEAMS WITH REVERSES.nes SAME TEAM ROM 2023 HARD VERSION.nes SAME TEAM ROM 2023.nes
  19. View File Tecmo Bowl Champ Teams This ROM is the greatest teams in each franchises history. Let me know if there's anything you believe to be an error, this ROM was done by one person and is likely to have mistakes. White stars by players name denotes that they were Pro Bowl that year and red star denotes All-Pro selection. Enjoy! Submitter Drewmanster Submitted 03/24/2020 Category Tecmo Bowl - NES  
  20. View File NCAA Tecmo Bowl 2017 This is NCAA Tecmo Bowl 2017! Using the original Tecmo Bowl (not Tecmo Super Bowl), this ROM consists of 32 NCAA football schools. I used a few different criteria when determining which of the 120+ teams to use in this game, from historical reputation (i.e. Notre Dame, Alabama), TB.org community interest (i.e. Syracuse, Purdue), recent success (i.e. Boise St., Oregon), and the military academies. Using the original Tecmo Bowl's ratings as a template, the players were rated based on 2015 season statistics, 2016 partial season statistics, various Heisman watch websites, and other sources. Rosters, ratings, home/away uniforms, cutscenes, and other small details were updated to ensure this is as authentic of an NCAA experience as this 8-bit simulation can provide. Aside from teams selection (as I'm sure not everybody will agree with my selections), if there are any glaring errors, please bring them to my attention. Enjoy! Submitter Baron von Lector Submitted 10/11/2016 Category Tecmo Bowl - NES
  21. View File Tecmo Bowl 2017 Amidst the sea of Tecmo Super Bowl 2017 releases, here's a ROM release for the original of the series, Tecmo Bowl 2017. This game contains all 32 NFL teams (expanded from 12). There is also a feature that allows you to choose your CPU opponent, as opposed to originally letting the CPU choose, in Exhibition mode. Rosters are based 99% off of depth charts provided by NFL.com and CBSSports.com, with a few exceptions taking into consideration suspensions (Tom Brady, Le'veon Bell) and other factors. Statistics and ratings are based on those provided by Pro-Football-Reference.com. A special thanks goes out to TheFes75 and TecmoTurd for their assistance. In keeping with tradition, the original Tecmo Bowl (and Tecmo Super Bowl) were notorious for their "beasts," like Bo Jackson, Christian Okoye, QB Eagles, Mike Singletary, Jerry Rice, and more. Well, Tecmo Bowl 2017 is no exception. Some of the "beasts" (based on career bodies of work and current work) included in this ROM are: RB - Adrian Peterson, Chris Johnson WR - Larry Fitzgerald, Antonio Brown, Odell Beckham DB - Darrelle Revis DE/LB - James Harrison, JJ Watt, Ndamukong Suh KR - Devin Hester Growing up, I preferred this version of Tecmo Bowl to Tecmo Super Bowl, despite the lack of the Pittsburgh Steelers in the game. To this day, I prefer Tecmo Bowl to Tecmo Super Bowl for the sheer sit-down-and-play factor. If there's anything glaring that I missed, please bring it to my attention. Enjoy! Submitter Baron von Lector Submitted 09/14/2016 Category Tecmo Bowl - NES
  22. View File TB32 49ers Playoff Teams All, Welcome to TB32 49ers Playoff teams! This was just a pet project of mine. I'm a big 49'ers fan and since my Niners have not been to the playoffs in 3 years and may not get there again this year, I have put together this ROM with all of the 49'ers playoff teams since 1970. This ROM provides All 24 49'ers playoff teams since 1970. All of the opponents the 49'ers lost to in the championship game or Superbowl since 1983. (83 Washington, 90 NY, 92 Dallas, 93 Dallas, 97 Green Bay, 11 NY, 12 Baltimore and 13 Seattle). The 70's teams that took Dallas to the brink only to lose in the Championship game and watch Dallas go on to win a Superbowl The Team of the 80's! Young's 49'ers (Could he best Montana or was Joe Cool that damn good?) Replays of heartbreaking Championship games! Replay that Super Bowl against Baltimore! Any how this was just a fun project that I put together. Even if you are not a 49'ers fan check it out maybe it will open you up to some history you didn't know about. If you see anything that needs fixing let me know! Submitter TheFes75 Submitted 09/08/2016 Category Tecmo Bowl - NES
  23. I have included a Document with 20+ pages of Hacking documentation for the 32 Team Original Tecmo Bowl with the updated graphics. Hope you get some use out of it. If you have any quesitons contact me. I Just updated this to include the formations on 2/19/17. Original Tecmo Bowl 32 Team ROM with Updated Graphics Hex Locations.docx
  24. how did your first week on tecmo super bowl 2013 go down any comebacks blowouts or over time i would like to read them
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