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  1. FIFA Brazil 2014 View File This is my most ambitious edit project to date. To give an idea of the original ROM based on a Japanese professional football league (J.League Winning Goal), check out the images below: One of the first things I did was to translate the ROM to English. On ROMHacking.net, there was a patch provided that reduced my workload by about 50%. Next, I replaced all of the team flags with each country's national flags. The countries in the game are: United States, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Colombia, Belgium, France, England, Mexico, Germany, Italy, and Portugal. After replacing the flags, I replaced the original team logos with the logo or crest for each country's football association. After changing the logos, I modified the rosters and ratings for each player to accurately reflect the 2014 World Cup. The kit colors came next. I had to go with a team's 2nd or 3rd colors in order to make it as accurate as possible. Finally, to pander the the Tecmo crowd, I updated the appearance to have more of a Tecmo-feel to it. The fonts were replaced with those from Tecmo Super Bowl, along with a few color schemes (white on black, white on blue). In regards to the game, there are two modes: Exhibition (1 or 2 players) and League. League emulates a larger-scale pool play in the sense that every team will play every other team once before a Champion is crowned. Submitter Baron von Lector Submitted 02/22/2016 Category NES
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This is my most ambitious edit project to date. To give an idea of the original ROM based on a Japanese professional football league (J.League Winning Goal), check out the images below: One of the first things I did was to translate the ROM to English. On ROMHacking.net, there was a patch provided that reduced my workload by about 50%. Next, I replaced all of the team flags with each country's national flags. The countries in the game are: United States, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Colombia, Belgium, France, England, Mexico, Germany, Italy, and Portugal. After replacing the flags, I replaced the original team logos with the logo or crest for each country's football association. After changing the logos, I modified the rosters and ratings for each player to accurately reflect the 2014 World Cup. The kit colors came next. I had to go with a team's 2nd or 3rd colors in order to make it as accurate as possible. Finally, to pander the the Tecmo crowd, I updated the appearance to have more of a Tecmo-feel to it. The fonts were replaced with those from Tecmo Super Bowl, along with a few color schemes (white on black, white on blue). In regards to the game, there are two modes: Exhibition (1 or 2 players) and League. League emulates a larger-scale pool play in the sense that every team will play every other team once before a Champion is crowned.
  3. I am trying out Baron von Lector's rom Nintendo World Cup 2014. Fun stuff! I'll be posting vids of my conquest with Japan.
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