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Buffalo's first real Tecmo Super Bowl Tourney will be held in Cheektowaga. Featuring multiple prizes. Buy in $15 Prize pool for top finishers. $5 for each time you eliminate a player. $30 dollar bounty on NFL films star Mort(Francis Buennagel). This goes up to 50 if 40 plus join and a 100 if 70 plus commit. Out of my own pocket. If you have a big ego feel free to place a higher bounty on yourself at game time. $25 dollar prize for those in the first group eliminated. (too be announced. Sign up at [email protected] sign up with name, location, equipment you can bring. (mainly nes sytems or tv's). Tourney Location: SATURDAY APRIL 20th 10am (9am set-up) AMF Thruway Lanes 716-896-8507 1550 Walden Ave Cheektowaga Ny 14225 April 20th 9am setup(if your bringing equipment you can drop it off the night before with Louis b.), 1oam registration, 11am gametime Real easy to find. Take the walden exit for buffalo. Just half a mile down. Location is next to a tim horton's and several good resteraunts are nearby besides what is served at the hall. I think a Chilpolte, subway, mighty taco (I highly recommend this if it is your first trip to buffalo), fridays, applebees and several other restarurants. As for hotels the ones on Walden Ave are in walking distance. Any hotel on the list is no more than 15 mins from the tourney site.,1359087449021,rad:S0,map:-1,sponsors:AQUALITY_INN these list the hotels in cheektowaga, if you can't find what you want its not to hard to get to the tourney site from the hotels in amherest on transit road and in amherest by the university. Pre-game Friday Tecmo festivities location (This will be the location for Friday night festivities.) TO BE CLEAR THIS IS WHERE THE PRE-GAME PARTY WILL BE AND ISNT THE ACTUAL TOURNANMENT LOCATION. If your town the Friday night you may come down and pre-register, drop off equipment, play some warm-up games or scout your opponents or get Louis drunk lol. April 19th Around 6pm AJ's Lounge (in the back room) 1028 Walden Ave (Its at the corner of Euclid+walden near an 7-11 store) Cheektowaga, NY 14211 Gameplay rules 1. D.l. line use with no lurching: (Lurching: Lurching is prohibited. If you want to rush with a DL, you must either go outside the offensive tackle or “popcorn” someone on the offensive line. You cannot simply go around your blocker and dive. Note that this rule does not apply to L.B.'s.) 2. W.R. or T.E.’s Cannot have run plays in playbook(except 4 reverse). However you may substitute an w.r./t.e. at rb2 slot as long they don't have a running play. players like Givins and Sanders are considered wr's. 3. playbook changes/lineup editing each pregame... (this is not a 103.3 the edge tourney) 4.“One Matchup Once” Rule: The coin-flip winner can only select a particular matchup once throughout the entire tournament. For instance, if Player A wins the toss and selects Packers-Browns, Player A cannot call that exact matchup for the rest of the tournament. Player B, however, is free to select that matchup later in the tournament. This does not include matchup cards 5. if we use group play...differential of your win and losses in group play will help determine your seed. The most you can win a group play game is 28 points... so if you win 35-3...your winning differential will be +28. Note: if we use random triple elimination your differential wont matter. 6. TIES: No game can end in a tie. If a game is tied when regulation concludes, competitors will proceed to OT. All OT's will be 5-minute sudden death periods. If no one scores in the first OT, the second OT will be only the first quarter in a new game. This process will be repeated until a winner emerges. So that one competitor does not start with the ball in every OT period, the receiving team (i.e. team that gets the ball first) shall alternate beginning with the second OT period. 7. How the matchup is chosen. The coin flip winner picks a matchup (a) Or option (b ) Pick a card with a set matchup on it. If A is chosen the coin flip loser picks team or controller. Then whatever is left goes to coin flip winner. Option B means you select a random card from a deck of many fair matchups. The coin flip loser chooses controllers before looking at the matchup. Matchups are entered both ways so there is no advantage to either controller. If both players do not like the matchup they will be given a different one. ****NOTE: YOU MAY NOT DEFER A MATCHUP IF YOU WIN THE COIN TOSS. You Must either pick your own matchup or a card.***** (cards are given as an alternative for those who do not like to pick a matchup. also for those who think that this system favors the guy who is lucky enough to lose the coin toss more often) 8. Tournament Issues All issues will be settled by the tournament crew. Headed by Louis Buennagel, Francis Buennagel. (Others will be designated by gameday as seconds for when we are playing.) Report controller issues and any other issues AS SOON AS IT HAPPENS. We will use the warm-up session to test all controllers and equipment so hopefully everything works fine. Game freeze will be settled by playing out part or all of the game depending on circumstance... unless you cause a reset by your physical actions. The final decision is up to the tournament directors or those designated by the directors. All equipment loaned for the tourney will be tracked. You may use your own controller if it is standard but do not move the other controller from that station. Respect all equipment as if it was yours. Excessive misbehavior will result in your elimination from the tourney and all future events.. Format (Less than 25) Random Triple elimination. non bracket. (More than 25) Round-Robin Group play and elimination brackets. Groups will consist of 4 players. each group will be fairly divided with new and experienced players. Your 3 games in group play will determine your seed in the elimination bracket. The seeded elimination bracket will be single elimination until the elite 8. In the elite 8 it will double elimination. Sign up [email protected] sign up with name, location, equipment you can bring. Systems committed. 20 Game carts 20 controllers 40 televisions 18 no digital screens.(WE COULD USE MORE TV'S) All equipment is welcome in partial or whole. Electrical equipment welcome as well. Sign up [email protected] sign up with name, location, equipment you can bring. Players committed 46 Out of town 19 1.Brian Rausse Bronx, NY "chaosrison" 1 total system (NY city tourney director) 2. MatthewVogt Fairfield ohio "BigMV54" 4. John Barhoover youngstown Ohio 5. Andrew Lescovac youngstown Ohio 6. Pete "Cuban Tecmo" Dorsey Wallingford, CT 3 systems and 3 carts and 6 controllers and one TV 8. Kris Smith Hornell Ny 9. Mario Pirchala New jersey (DirtBowl NJ Tecmo director) 8 nes systems (wow) 5 tv's (wow) 11. Chris Esposito Wallingford, CT 12. AJ Fullam Trenton Ohio "Webmaster of" 13. Pat Owen Meriden CT 14. Cliff Kennedy Meriden CT 15. M. owen Meriden CT 16 Jordan Rodgers Portage, PA 17.kevin c. columbus ohio 1 nes system 1 cart 1 13inch tv 18. Patrick Phelps erie pa 19. Sean Phelps erie pa 20. Doug (friend of patrick phelps) erie pa 21. Phil (friend of patrick phelps) erie pa Local western new yorker's 27 1. Francis Buennagel "mort1237" 2. Louis Buennagel "red98sethuthut" 4 total systems 10 tv's 3. Dan Rosati 1 total system 4. Jason Palazzo 1 total system "Laztlain" 5. Jim Garbano 1 total system 6. Mike C. 7. Justin K. 8. Eugene "flu" Kelly 9. Brian "shaggy" Foster 1tv 10. Rocko K. 11. Brian Buck 12. matt (Dont know last name) (Friend of Dan R.) 13. Xavier Gutierrez 14. Jamie R. (B. Bucks' friend) 15. jason kelly 16 Paul Bailey 1 tv 17. Doug Watson 18. Jon Francis 19. Eric Stanczyk 20. William Rodriguez 21.Albert Testa 22. Mike Hogs 23. matt (friend of dan r.) 24.Qasim J. 25. chris insana (friend of laztlain) 26. Shawn Farrell (someone who said there coming on facebook..and hasn't been contacted) 27. Giovanni Cardiel (someone who said there coming on facebook..and hasn't been contacted) Sign up at [email protected] sign up with name, location, equipment you can bring.
Cheektowaga, NY - 04/20/13 - Buffalo's 1st Tecmo Bounty Tournament
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Buffalo's first real Tecmo Super Bowl Tourney will be held in Cheektowaga. Featuring multiple prizes. Buy in $15 Prize pool for top finishers. $5 for each time you eliminate a player. $30 dollar bounty on NFL films star Mort(Francis Buennagel). This goes up to 50 if 40 plus join and a 100 if 70 plus commit. Out of my own pocket. If you have a big ego feel free to place a higher bounty on yourself at game time. $25 dollar prize for those in the first group eliminated. (too be announced. Sign up at [email protected] sign up with name, location, equipment you can bring. (mainly nes sytems or tv's). Tourney Location AMF Thruway Lanes 1550 Walden Ave Cheektowaga Ny 14211 April 20th 11 am start time (10:00 set up time) Real easy to find. Take the walden exit for buffalo. Just half a mile down. Location is next to a tim horton's and several good resteraunts are nearby besides what is served at the hall. I think a Chilpolte, subway, mighty taco (I highly recommend this if it is your first trip to buffalo), fridays, applebees and several other restarurants. As for hotels the ones on Walden Ave are in walking distance. Any hotel on the list is no more than 15 mins from the tourney site.,1359087449021,rad:S0,map:-1,sponsors:AQUALITY_INN these list the hotels in cheektowaga, if you can't find what you want its not to hard to get to the tourney site from the hotels in amherest on transit road and in amherest by the university. Pre-game Friday festivities location (This will be the location for Friday night festivities.) Meaning chances to get in lots of warmups starting around 6 pm friday.) April 19th Around 6pm AJ's Lounge (in the back room) 1028 Walden Ave Cheektowaga, NY 14211 April 20th 11 am start time 10:00 set up time. Format (Less than 25) Random Triple elmination. non bracket. (More than 25) Round-Robin Group play and elimination brackets. Groups will consist of 4 players. each group will be fairly divided with new and experienced players. Your 3 games in group play will determine your seed in the elimination bracket. The seeded elimination bracket will be single elimination until the elite 8. In the elite 8 it will double elimination. Gameplay rules 1. dl use with no lurching (Lurching: Lurching is prohibited. If you want to rush with a DL, you must either go outside the offensive tackle or “popcorn” someone on the offensive line. You cannot simply go around your blocker and dive. Note that this rule does not apply to LBs.) 2. cannot have a run play with a wr and te(except reverse). players like Givins and Sanders are considered wr's. 3. playbook changes/lineup editing each pregame 4.“One Matchup Once” Rule: The coin-flip winner can only select a particular matchup once throughout the entire tournament. For instance, if Player A wins the toss and selects Packers-Browns, Player A cannot call that exact matchup for the rest of the tournament. Player B, however, is free to select that matchup later in the tournament. 5. if we use group play...differential of your win and losses in group play will help determine your seed. The most you can win a group play game is 28points... so if you win 35-3...your winning differential will be +28. Note: if we use random triple elimnation your differential wont matter. 6. TIES: No game can end in a tie. If a game is tied when regulation concludes, competitors will proceed to OT. All OT's will be 5-minute sudden death periods. If no one scores in the first OT, the second OT will be only the first quarter in a new game. This process will be repeated until a winner emerges. So that one competitor does not start with the ball in every OT period, the receiving team (i.e. team that gets the ball first) shall alternate beginning with the second OT period. How matchup is chosen. The coin flip winner picks matchup option a. Or option b. Pick a card with a set matchup on it. If A is chosen the coin flip loser picks team or controller. Then whatever is left goes to coin flip winner. Option B means you select a random card from a deck of many fair matchups. The coin flip loser still gets to pick his preference of team or controller. the coin flip winner gets whatever is left over. ****NOTE: YOU MAY NOT DEFER A MATCHUP IF YOU WIN THE COIN TOSS***** (this is given as an alternative for those who do not like to pick a matchup.) Tournament Issues All issues will be settled by the tournament crew. Headed by Louis Buennagel, Francis Buennagel. (Others will be designated by gameday as seconds for when we are playing.) Report contoller issues and any other issues. Game freeze will be settled by playing out part or all of the game depending on circumstnace. Unless you cause a reset by your physical actions. The final decision is up to the tournament directors or those designated by the directors. All equipment loaned for the tourney will be tracked. You may use your own controller if it is standard but do not move the other controller from that station. Respect all equipment as if it was your own's. Excessive misbehavior will result in your elimination from the tourney and all future events. Sign up [email protected] sign up with name, location, equipment you can bring. Systems committed. 21 Game carts 21 controllers 42 televisions 13 no digital screens. All equipment is welcome in partial or whole. Electrical equipment welcome as well. Sign up [email protected] sign up with name, location, equipment you can bring. Players committed 31 Out of town 11 1.Brian Rausse Bronx, NY "chaosrison" 1 total system (NY city tourney director) 2. MatthewVogt Fairfield ohio "BigMV54" 3. Matt Bird NYC (Jamestown NY) made tourney flier. 4. John Barhoover youngstown Ohio 5. Andrew Lescovac youngstown Ohio 6. Pete "Cuban Tecmo" Dorsey Wallingford, CT 3 systems and 3 carts and 6 controllers and one TV 7. Jim Teta "powerade" Troy ny 1system, maybe 2, a few carts, 2 controllers and one tv. 8. Kris Smith Hornell Ny 9. Mario Pirchala New jersey (DirtBowl NJ Tecmo director) 8 nes systems (wow) 5 tv's (wow) 10. John Saunders Roanoke Va one console 2 controllers and one cartridge. 11. Chris Esposito Wallingford, CT 12. AJ Fullam Trenton Ohio "Webmaster of" Local western new yorker's 20 1. Francis Buennagel "mort1237" 2. Louis Buennagel "red98sethuthut" 4 total systems 6 tv's 3. Dan Rosati 1 total system 4. Jason Palazzo 1 total system "Laztlain" 5. Jim Garbano 1 total system 6. Mike C. 7. Justin K. 8. Eugene "flu" Kelly 9. Brian "shaggy" Foster 10. Rocko K. 11. Brian Buck 12. James Candytree 13. Xavier Gutierrez 14. 15. jason kelly 16 Paul Bailey 17. Doug Watson 18. Jon Francis 19. Eric Stanczyk 20. William Rodriguez 21. Mike Hogs Sign up at [email protected] sign up with name, location, equipment you can bring. View attachment: wanteddeadoralive.jpg View attachment: wantedmort.jpg -
What: Buffalo Bounty IV RUN FIGHT @ THE BO K CORRAL When: April 23rd 2016 4/23/2016 Where: The Big Tree Inn 4277 Abbott Rd, Orchard Park, NY 14127 (716) 649-9892 TIME: 11am kickoff ( 9am set-up/1oam registration ) MAP LINK (HINT HINT its Right next to the bills stadium):;_ylt=A0LEVu9IXphWwUoADwQPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=Big+Tree+Inn&addr=Orchard+Park%2CNY&listingid=11709341&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-001&fr=yhs-mozilla-003 ENTRY FEE: $25 ($5 to goes toward the bonus prize per round, $5 to $10 goes toward your bounty fee). If you are feeling the spirit of the "bounty" style tecmo tournament your more than welcome to put a higher "bounty prize" on yourself or anyone else in the tournament. Hell if you can't make it and you want put a bounty on someone in the tourney then post it son!!!! Prize pool for 1st (55%), 2nd(30%) and 3rd(15%). Plus $5 to $10 for every player you knock out of the single elimination round. The champion of the single elimination will receive any bounty money of any player that DID NOT qualify for single elimination tournament after the 6pk round. See format below for details. PLUS $50 bucks for knocking out last years champ David T (Dt) or Louis B. (red98sethuthut)!!! and $25 bucks bonus cash prizes per round ( see the format for details ) 100 dollars to the 1st MAN to beat "Mort" in tourney play 100 bucks if you eliminate "Mort" 100 extra to the winner from Mort" FORMAT: The Buffalo Six-Pack ( see below ) BUFFALO BOUNTY I CHAMP Francis B. (mort1237) Runner up Laztlain (Jason P.) 3rd Louis B. (Red98sethuthut) BUFFALO BOUNTY II CHAMP Louis. B. (red98sethuthut) Runner-up Matt V. (BigMV54) 3rd Francis B. (mort1237) BUFFALO BOUNTY III CHAMP David T. (DT), Runner-Up Francis B. (mort1237) 3rd Kevin C ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGN UP VIA 2 Steps 1st step: email [email protected] with NAME: NICKNAME: EQUIPMENT: Were in need of more N.E.S systems and tube tv's to handle the format HOMETOWN: PHONE #: 2nd step. Optional Prepayment. Send $25 to [email protected] via paypal , money order (email 4 my mailing address), or In-person assuming your in buffalo area or see us at another tournament or the night before. We have also had problems with people saying they want to play then no show on game day. Refund Policy: We will give you refund up to 6 days before the tourney starts if we get an official notice that you can't make it . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game play rules 1. D.l. line use with no lurching: A D.L. (defensive lineman) lurch is defined as trying to dive tackle or blitz the QB at the snap on a drop back pass or trying to use the same effect to break up a running play. Bumping the tackle is fine (on a up or down or backwards direction). Any other form of DL use is legal. The below video link shows what is illegal. 2. W.R. or T.E.’s Cannot have run plays in playbook(except 4 reverse). However you may substitute an w.r./t.e. at rb2 slot as long they don't have a running play.players like Givins and Sanders are considered wr's. 3. Playbook changes/lineup editing each pregame... ( except for round 4 see format ) 4.“One Match-up Once” Rule: The coin-flip winner can only select a particular matchup once throughout the entire tournament. For instance, if Player A wins the toss and selects Packers-Browns, Player A cannot call that exact match-up for the rest of the tournament. Player B, however, is free to select that match-up later in the tournament. This also includes the popular "random match-up cards". SEE EACH ROUND FOR TEAM SELECTION IN THE FORMAT. 5. TIES: In order to speed things up in Rounds 1 thru 6 if game ends tied it will be a tie in order to save time. HOWEVER IN Single elimination round NO GAME CAN END IN A TIE. IF A game is tied when regulation concludes, competitors will proceed to OT. All OT's will be 5-minute sudden death periods. If nobody scores in the first OT, the second OT will be only the first quarter in a new game. If the game goes to an 2nd O.T. you will alternate who gets the ball first (in the second o.t.). This process will be repeated until a winner emerges. So that one competitor does not start with the ball in every OT period, the receiving team (i.e. team that gets the ball first) shall alternate beginning with the second OT period. 6.. Tournament Issues All issues will be settled by the tournament crew. Headed by Louis Buennagel, david Thompson. (Others will be designated by gameday as seconds for when we are playing.) Report controller issues and any other issues AS SOON AS IT HAPPENS. We will use the warm-up session to test all controllers and equipment so hopefully everything works fine. Game freeze will be settled by playing out part or all of the game depending on circumstance... unless you cause a reset by your physical actions. The final decision is up to the tournament directors or those designated by the directors. All equipment loaned for the tourney will be tracked. You may use your own controller if it is standard but do not move the other controller from that station. Respect all equipment as if it was yours. Excessive misbehavior will result in your elimination from the tourney and all future events. We also will record a D.q. win on case by case situation ( if it happens early in the game it will be recorded as a 14 to 0 d.q. win) 7. There MAY be 1 live streams on Twitch, we need someone to help us stream games!!! 8. GAMBLING: There's been couple guys who made some side bets last year on H2H pickup games. Money on the wood to make the bet all good. No drama. make your rules clear before the game starts. Max wager is $20. No betting on your own tournament games your playing in. You may wager on live games that your not playing in either (IE MYnameisFlo). 9. We have the right to change the format if needed. 1o. Please mark and label all your equipment. So it isn't lost. 11. A forfeit win will be marked as A14 to 0 win. Obviously if someone gives up when your up 28 to o then it will be counted as 28+ for margin of victory. The maximum differential of victory for any game is 28pts. IF you win 35 to 3 it will marked as a 28 pt win for your differential. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORMAT: THE BUFFALO SIX PACK....Each participant will play 6 random games with no rematches. In Each round team selection will be based on a different theme ( see below ). Each round will have bonus prizes too. The top 8 to 12 records in the Six rounds will square off in single elimination tournament. There MAY be an "odd" amount of players in the "six pack". If so 1 person per round will receive a bye (can't draw more than 1 bye per person). Also placement into the single elimination round is weighted by "Best Winning Percentage". In a case of an tie a Head to Head win is the first tiebreaker, then Opponent Winning Percentage , Then Differential ( + - ). Round 1: Next man up Round...Winner of the Coin toss must pick any matchup they desire. But each coach gets to bench 1 player off there Opponents team. So for example if Rams vs Lions is called. And player 1 is Det and player 2 is rams. Player 1 van elect to bench Jim Everett and Player 2 can elect to bench Barry Sanders. The player that has the most passing yards with any backup Qb gets $25. Round 2: Trick Em Dick Em Fumble-Rooskie Round ( Ode to LuckyToolie and Chris Pike)...Winner of the coin toss can pick any matchup they desire but must have an flea-flicker in there playbook. Each coach must run the flea flicker atleast ONCE per game. EDIT: If you do not call the flea flicker its a automatic loss!!!! 1st person to GIVE UP a fumble for td wins $25. Round 3: REDEMPTION... Bills vs Giants...All players must call bills vs giants. Winner of coin toss must pick team ( Buf or Nyg) or controller selection. Bonus Prize: Scott Norwood Redemption Prize: 1st to make a game winning fg with Scott norwood in Ot. wins $25!!!! ( If no o.t. game then 1st win with a Scott Norwood fg in the 4th Qtr to take the lead. Round 4: Original Playbook round. ALL players can pick any matchup but you must use original playbook. Bonus Prize: If anyone wins with the crappy phx cards playbook you win $25. Tiebreaker highest winning margin. Put phx in the matchup at your own risk!!!!!! Note: ROUND 5 Random matchup card round. Winner of coin toss must select an random matchup card. Winner of the coin toss is the Top Team of the card and is Player 1. Each random matchup is a commonly used matchup. Ex. Kc vs Mia is in deck 10 times. Mia is on the top of card 5 times and on the bottom of the card 5 times. Bonus prize: $25 for guy with most rushing yards by a single Rb in this round with any rb. ROUND 6 Madison matchup style round. See Rule 6. $25 for the guy with most rushing yards by a single Rb in this round with any rb. THE PLAY-OFFS Alright, after much consultation with Tecmo heads and commune with the Tecmo Gods, a final decision has been made on the playoffs. There will now be 16 players in the playoffs seeded 1-16. The top seeded player (based on the standings after the six-pack) will have their first choice of team excluding SF, BUF, and NYG. Then the 2 seed on down to 16. You roll with those teams the rest of the way until the Championship which will be a redux of the Redemption Round and Super Bowl XXV, Bills vs Giants. Higher seed will have their choice of team or player 1. THE FORMAT HAS BEEN DECIDED. SEE YOU BONERS AT BIG TREE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PreGame Friday Tecmo festivities location (This will be the location for Friday night festivities.) EDIT: We are moving the Friday Night activities to The Big Tree Inn. We are going to use the time the night before to set up as well, then get some games, some beers, some grub, some bullshit right there. Me and D.t. will be there at 6 pm. 4277 Abbott Rd, Orchard Park, NY 14127 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTERED PLAYERS: 1. Louis B. (Red98sethuthut) Buffalo NY 2 NES SYSTEMS 2 Tv's ENTRY FEE $25 Bounty Fee $50 2. David T. (DT) Buffalo NY ENTRY FEE $25 Bounty Fee $50 1 Nes ( 2 dog-bone trollers) 3. Jason P. (laztlain) LockPort NY. 1 NES SYSTEM 1 Small TV ENTRY FEE $25 Bounty Fee $10 4. Eugene K. West Seneca ny ENTRY FEE $25 Bounty Fee $5 5. Chris H. ( NinjaTecmo) Mantua Ohio 2 NES Systems 2 Tv's ENTRY FEE $25 Bounty Fee $10 6. Tim S . Auburn ny ENTRY FEE $25 Bounty Fee $5 ( Prepaid via paypal) 7. Sean F. Auburn ny ENTRY FEE $25 Bounty Fee $5 ( Prepaid via Paypal) 8. Mark C. auburn ny ENTRY FEE $25 Bounty Fee $5 9. Paul B. Townanda Ny 1 Nes System 1 Tv ENTRY FEE $25 Bounty Fee $5. 10. Mark M. Buffalo ny Entry fee $25 Bounty Fee $5. 11. John G. Rochester Ny Entry fee $25 Bounty $5 ( Prepaid via Paypal) 12. Kevin C. Columbus ohio Entry fee $25 Bounty fee $10. 4 tv's 4 Nes systems. 13. Tim G. Morgantown Wv 1 Tv 1 Nes cartridge 2 controllers Entry fee $25 Bounty fee $5 1 tv 1 nes system. ( Prepaid via PayPal ) 14. Jessie G. (Hossrocket) Morgantown Wv Entry fee $25 Bounty fee $10 ( Prepaid via PayPal ) 15. Eric O. (Modeezie or TecmoOdell42) Waterford Michigan Entry Fee 25 Bounty fee $10 16. Erik M. (ARNCOEM) Wallingford, CT Entry Fee 25 Bounty fee $10. 17. Joe M (Jmoska99) Detroit Mi. Entry fee 25.00 Bounty Fee $10 1 Nes system 1 tv. 18. Francis B. (Mort1237) Chicago IL Entry fee 25.00 Bounty fee $300 ($100 1st man to beat him, $100 to eliminate him, $100 to the winner) 1 Nes system. 19. Jaimen A. (Beastmode) London Ontario. Entry fee 25.00 Bounty fee $10 20. Joshua A. (Thedude) London Ontario Entry fee 25.00 Bounty fee $10 1 Retron Nes 1 tv 21. Derek R. (TecmoPhyscho) Indy. Indiana Entry fee 25.00 Bounty fee $10 Several Systems , Possibly 2 Small Tv's (Paid via Paypal) 22. Eugene K. Jr ( Ej) A 16 yr. a old Entry fee $25 Bounty $5 23. Gabriel K. Rochester NY Entry fee $25 Bounty Fee $5 1 Nes System. 24. Russell S. (Neerm) Austin Texas Entry fee $25 Bounty fee $10 Paid 25. Brian F. Shaggy Elma Ny Entry fee $25 Bounty $5 26. Matt O. (Toolie) Entry Fee $25 Bounty fee $10