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  1. MARCH: 2. Jstout makes it so the computer QB will try to throw to an open receiver rather than relying only on the random chances set in the play design http://tecmobowl.org/topic/53837-cpu-find-open-receiver/ JUNE: 3. My hack allows for seperate pass block and run block skills. HP vs HP is used for run blocking and offensive RS vs defensive MS is used for pass blocking. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/55420-run-blockpass-block-hack/ 4. My hack that lets you throw lob passes by pressing the start button http://tecmobowl.org/topic/55448-use-start-instead-of-b-button-to-throw-lob-passes/ 5. My special teams hack that lets you return punts out of the endzone, fair catch punts, touchback kickoffs, take instant timeouts by pressing start, and down the ball by pressing select. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/55558-time-out-touchback-fair-catch-kneel-hack/ 6. Jstout posts a great guide about programming the NES complete with various examples. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/55469-nes-programming-info/ JULY 7. I post information on how to change the fumble and onside kick recovery time. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/55841-change-average-fumble-and-onside-recovery-time/ 8. My hack that lets you load in conditions at the start of a game. This makes it possible to have online leagues that carry over conditions week to week. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/56044-hack-to-load-in-starters-playbook-conditions-at-game-start/ AUGUST 9. My no huddle hack that gives the defense 1 second after the offense has picked their play to pick a play or else they get a play picked for them. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/56328-no-huddle-offense/page-2 SEPTEMBER 10. xplosv' hack that lets you jump and dive for passes by pressing B. He also creates a hack that lets you throw to receivers in "madden style" by pressing a button that targets a WR. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/57066-tsb-passing-revolution/ 11. I found a way to change the success rate when trying to bump a player off a grapple. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/56716-changing-the-bumping-probability-success-rate/ 12 My hack where diving ability is based on HP. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/57169-diving-time-based-on-hp/ OCTOBER My amazing hack where players engaged in grapples move forwards or backwards. This makes OL play look very realistic. It also allows high HP RB's to push low HP defenders forwards. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/57127-push-pull-hack-by-bruddog/ In progress 1. 2pt conversion- I just need time to work on this and squeeze it into the 32 team rom somehow Future ideas: 1. Ability table for certain teams to be better at causing fumbles 2. Ability table for player specific injury rates If I forgot anything major let me know View full article
  2. Attached is the QBVIKINGS 2013-14 Preaseason Preview Tecmo Super Bowl ROM for SNES. Rosters are accurate as of July 7. Position Battles and rookie starters are purely my prediction. Kaepernick is very fast, see if you can stop him! Thanks to MRNFL for creating the original base rom. SNESTecmo Super Bowl 2013-2014.rar
  3. Hey, the ROM is at VERY-BOTTOM OF THIS POST -=October 12=- Note - to play a season, you will have to have a "2nd controller" set up, for away games. --->>>I personally use the same controller set up for both 1 Player and the 2nd Player controller. Know thy emulator. In the 2013-14 NFL TSB Streets, EVERYONE hears you scream....but nobody cares. Adam Sandler playing tennis-ball hockey with his funny friends is on a totally different street - so get lost if you're looking for your momma's TSB foosball. Here, there's no "out of bounds" - only "out of play"...and although you claw and grope the TSB Street Walls, you will not avoid confrontation. But don't be afraid to FORCE things in these TSB Streets - 'cause son, there is just no way to play it safe. And when you think you've met your match: your hair-trigger-itchy-finger will see you through these TSB streets. Play a Season, you're gonna meet some other NFL friends on the Street - Teams that were not good enough to make the 16-team cut - but they ain't on the sidewalk with a fistful of crack, they ready to roll. You thinks you can BALL, dog - thinks you can TAP? That A-button better be synaptically connected to your TSB Soul. Will you have to eventually "fight yourself" (7-on-7) in the high-speed 2014 Street Bowl? Unfortunately, NO....But if you did - you'd need: a bat, a knife to throw, and a crate full of meat. buck and rewhawl (TEAM SAMURAI) present: 2014 NFL TSB STREET ROM - for the Nintendo Entertainment System STREET CRED: 7-ON-7/50 YD FIELD/BASE ROM - jstout HELMETLESS PLAYER GRAPHICS - xplozv CONCEPT/GRAPHICS - buck, rewhawl, some "minis" swiped from keithisgood PHYSICS/ENGINE/ROSTERS/RATINGS - buck NEW SCREENS/CUTSCREENS/SPECIAL HALFTIME/HALFTIME "SONG" - buck MISC HACKS - jstout, bruddog, xplozv, buck stay tuned for - TEAM UPDATES PLAYBOOK UPDATES OTHER UPDATES tsb STREET 2014 OCT 12 buck.nes
  4. MARCH: 2. Jstout makes it so the computer QB will try to throw to an open receiver rather than relying only on the random chances set in the play design http://tecmobowl.org/topic/53837-cpu-find-open-receiver/ JUNE: 3. My hack allows for seperate pass block and run block skills. HP vs HP is used for run blocking and offensive RS vs defensive MS is used for pass blocking. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/55420-run-blockpass-block-hack/ 4. My hack that lets you throw lob passes by pressing the start button http://tecmobowl.org/topic/55448-use-start-instead-of-b-button-to-throw-lob-passes/ 5. My special teams hack that lets you return punts out of the endzone, fair catch punts, touchback kickoffs, take instant timeouts by pressing start, and down the ball by pressing select. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/55558-time-out-touchback-fair-catch-kneel-hack/ 6. Jstout posts a great guide about programming the NES complete with various examples. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/55469-nes-programming-info/ JULY 7. I post information on how to change the fumble and onside kick recovery time. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/55841-change-average-fumble-and-onside-recovery-time/ 8. My hack that lets you load in conditions at the start of a game. This makes it possible to have online leagues that carry over conditions week to week. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/56044-hack-to-load-in-starters-playbook-conditions-at-game-start/ AUGUST 9. My no huddle hack that gives the defense 1 second after the offense has picked their play to pick a play or else they get a play picked for them. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/56328-no-huddle-offense/page-2 SEPTEMBER 10. xplosv' hack that lets you jump and dive for passes by pressing B. He also creates a hack that lets you throw to receivers in "madden style" by pressing a button that targets a WR. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/57066-tsb-passing-revolution/ 11. I found a way to change the success rate when trying to bump a player off a grapple. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/56716-changing-the-bumping-probability-success-rate/ 12 My hack where diving ability is based on HP. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/57169-diving-time-based-on-hp/ OCTOBER My amazing hack where players engaged in grapples move forwards or backwards. This makes OL play look very realistic. It also allows high HP RB's to push low HP defenders forwards. http://tecmobowl.org/topic/57127-push-pull-hack-by-bruddog/ In progress 1. 2pt conversion- I just need time to work on this and squeeze it into the 32 team rom somehow Future ideas: 1. Ability table for certain teams to be better at causing fumbles 2. Ability table for player specific injury rates If I forgot anything major let me know
  5. There are 4x roms in the zip - actually, only two games (ROM 1 and ROM 2), but see below for reasoning for the extra two roms the zip also contains a basic readme, and a png image of a playbook key View attachment: Street Tecmo 2013 v1 also with no p2.zip View attachment: tsb street var shots 1.png Documentation There are two ROMs, each with 16 NFL teams. The only difference between the ROMs are the teams/rosters/names, etc. and the color of the endzones. Based on Jstout's "CIFL 7-on-7" NES Tecmo Super Bowl ROM Upgraded plays (enhanced for the street) 50 yard "field" COM v MAN (you can play as player 2 if you set up your emulator) Competitive COM for challenging Season fun No "Out of Bounds" - you can run into the walls New Halftime and New Halftime Song Reduced Cutscreens Game plays very fast (almost every variable is sped up greatly) Turnovers and scoring are common No punts (just "kicker") Countless Graphic changes In-game playbook changing Cool new Uniforms (some throwbacks in there, too) 12-game season with 8-team playoffs "Heroes" - it's like a mini-game I have set up the heroes from the original Tecmo Super Bowl game AFC and NFC - using their original ratings (although some are decreased because it's played as pro-bowl game) but, it has a totally different feel and challenge than the other modern "street" teams Pass Accuracy is completion/int variable KR return at their own Max Speed Player 2 condition indicator fixed No pass-defender auto-dive Quicker dives for defenders AI hacks Passing Game Hacks Bruddog's OL/DL Differential (more random popcorn in the trenches) HP Hack (MAN v MAN "popcorn" and/or "mash") Also, HP is quantized to a scale of "0 to 3 extra presses" that are added to grapple counter) 6-25 HP = 0 extra press 31-50 HP = 1 extra press 56-75 HP = 2 extra press 81-100 HP = 3 extra press ----- EXTRA ("no p2" versions): the (main) 1st version of TSB Street posted on 9-5-12 has a very cool hack (thanks xplozv) that lets you play as the 2nd player (2nd side) vs COM (also in season mode). A requirement is that you need to have your emulator set up such that you have control of the 2nd player controller (or if using an actual NES, a controller in port 2!) . In the emulator I use, I have them both programmed to the same controller/buttons. If you use an emulator that will not allow you to program or play as a 2nd player controller, I have provided a set of roms with the additional "no p2" characters in the rom filename. this "no p2" will play just like the original TSB - MAN will always be player one side when playing COM. Therefore I have updated the zip to include these "no p2" versions. I also updated the readme in the zip. No other changes have been made. -- We must thank the following, because this rom would not be possible without their past or present help: jstout, bruddog, cxrom, bad_al, average tsb player, elway, knobbe, bodom, and xplozv (jstout did not have any direct hand in the making of this ROM, but we thought we should credit him because we used his CIFL 7-on-7 ROM as our base) -- it's a party, jerk. so enjoy it. This post has been promoted to an article
  6. View File RBI Baseball 2013 The RBI Baseball re-releases continue with this ROM from 2013. The teams featured are: St. Louis Cardinals, Boston Red Sox, Detroit Tigers, Atlanta Braves, Oakland Athletics, New York Yankees, Pittsburgh Pirates, Los Angeles Dodgers, Cleveland Indians, and Tampa Bay Rays. 2013 Major League Baseball season Submitter Baron von Lector Submitted 01/12/2016 Category RBI Baseball
  7. Here is my save with all 2013 rosters. These ratings are based on Madden 13 and the depth charts are from www.ourlads.com. The depth charts are from monday of week 1. In this save, the max rating is 75. The way I come up with player ratings is taking the Madden rating, dividing it by 99 and then multiplying it by 75. The .dsv file must be in the battery folder and the rom must have the same name for it to work. Bomborolo NFL 2013.zip
  8. There are 4x roms in the zip - actually, only two games (ROM 1 and ROM 2), but see below for reasoning for the extra two roms the zip also contains a basic readme, and a png image of a playbook key View attachment: Street Tecmo 2013 v1 also with no p2.zip View attachment: tsb street var shots 1.png Documentation There are two ROMs, each with 16 NFL teams. The only difference between the ROMs are the teams/rosters/names, etc. and the color of the endzones. Based on Jstout's "CIFL 7-on-7" NES Tecmo Super Bowl ROM Upgraded plays (enhanced for the street) 50 yard "field" COM v MAN (you can play as player 2 if you set up your emulator) Competitive COM for challenging Season fun No "Out of Bounds" - you can run into the walls New Halftime and New Halftime Song Reduced Cutscreens Game plays very fast (almost every variable is sped up greatly) Turnovers and scoring are common No punts (just "kicker") Countless Graphic changes In-game playbook changing Cool new Uniforms (some throwbacks in there, too) 12-game season with 8-team playoffs "Heroes" - it's like a mini-game I have set up the heroes from the original Tecmo Super Bowl game AFC and NFC - using their original ratings (although some are decreased because it's played as pro-bowl game) but, it has a totally different feel and challenge than the other modern "street" teams Pass Accuracy is completion/int variable KR return at their own Max Speed Player 2 condition indicator fixed No pass-defender auto-dive Quicker dives for defenders AI hacks Passing Game Hacks Bruddog's OL/DL Differential (more random popcorn in the trenches) HP Hack (MAN v MAN "popcorn" and/or "mash") Also, HP is quantized to a scale of "0 to 3 extra presses" that are added to grapple counter) 6-25 HP = 0 extra press 31-50 HP = 1 extra press 56-75 HP = 2 extra press 81-100 HP = 3 extra press ----- EXTRA ("no p2" versions): the (main) 1st version of TSB Street posted on 9-5-12 has a very cool hack (thanks xplozv) that lets you play as the 2nd player (2nd side) vs COM (also in season mode). A requirement is that you need to have your emulator set up such that you have control of the 2nd player controller (or if using an actual NES, a controller in port 2!) . In the emulator I use, I have them both programmed to the same controller/buttons. If you use an emulator that will not allow you to program or play as a 2nd player controller, I have provided a set of roms with the additional "no p2" characters in the rom filename. this "no p2" will play just like the original TSB - MAN will always be player one side when playing COM. Therefore I have updated the zip to include these "no p2" versions. I also updated the readme in the zip. No other changes have been made. -- We must thank the following, because this rom would not be possible without their past or present help: jstout, bruddog, cxrom, bad_al, average tsb player, elway, knobbe, bodom, and xplozv (jstout did not have any direct hand in the making of this ROM, but we thought we should credit him because we used his CIFL 7-on-7 ROM as our base) -- it's a party, jerk. so enjoy it. This post has been promoted to an article View full article
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