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Everything posted by DrFrolf

  1. 66 Days, 6 hours, 6 minutes, 6 seconds. Going to be dripping with Beef Juice this year. The ND crew is going to take a weekend jaunt to Connecticut to grab all of @arncoem's shit valuable possessions to have it on display. Lots of good stuff there. Also, be on the lookout, motherfuckers, cause Bryce (Heavy Drinker, aka @DionBoespflug) is now adding championship games to his arsenal. He'll outdrink, outsmoke, and outplay you, then he'll take his shirt off.
  2. We will be dedicating one entire round in particular after your fabulous ideas. The round shall not be named here, but if you want to send a jiggly care package our way, we'll make sure to put the contents to good use. Your keg gathering abilities will be missed.
  3. Just shaved off a quick 38 days. Hopefully that gives you enough mental prep time.
  4. Burning Mort III The Premier Tecmo Experience of 2019 June 8, 2019 This will be a Tecmoish experience similar to two others from previous years-- a completely outdoor extravaganza -- the third if its kind. Burning Mort will be a Tribal event, but forming a team will not be necessary. Your team will be chosen by the Tecmo Gods at the Burning Mort Experience. Friday, June 7 Tecmo Social Location TBD Starts at 7:30 Drinks and shenanigans Meet and greet the ND Tecmo Greats in person Get your ND merch autographed (lottery draw) Saturday, June 8 Burning Mort Leonard, North Dakota Location: 46°39'13.48"N; 97°18'31.03"W (https://goo.gl/maps/GyKiTFQAW732) Play starts at sometime Play ends at sometime later Experience extends until dawn and ends only when you want it to Cost will be $50. Included in the cost: Player's pack, Playing Time, 1 Meal (Meat), All the Beer You Can Drink, Snacks, The Experience All info will be shared here, but more importantly will be visible at: Burningmort.com Burning Mort is an outdoor Tecmo "Experience". Mark it on your calendars as such
  5. Had to make a rash decision based on the discovery of @segathonsov. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F263534425376
  6. Had to make a rash decision based on the discovery of @segathonsov. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F263534425376
  7. I will check my Burning Mort Box O' Shit this weekend. One tub of junk is at my house. However, it is entirely possible that it is still at the Conjurer's Dreamland, because I still have a tote of shit and two tube TVs under a tarp at the sacred grounds. It is also possible that it will never be found again, because it was Burning Mort after all.
  8. In case anybody wants to take a virtual tour of The Conjurer's Dreamland, here's the map. It's almost like you were there.
  9. Well. There we go. Thank you to all that traveled across the country to attend the Burning Mort Experience. The North Dakota Crew is truly humbled that you all came from hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away to attend something so dumb. Beware, this thread is going to become rife with contents of the Burning Mort II photo/video album. As always, the images will be tasteful. However, that doesn't mean they wont be NSFW. In fact, I guarantee they will be NSFW.
  10. When you have this in your back pocket, your heartthrob quotient it through the roof.
  11. Game sessions for Burning Mort will be Tribal in nature. These are only the session names. More will be revealed at the Experience. Sessions will consist of the following: Session 1: Grand(pa) Conjurer's Old Cough Medicine Men Session 2: Mort-al Kombat Session 3: Burning Mort All-Star Samesies Session 4: Mortissus Narcissus Session 5: The Island of Dr. Morteau Session 6: Large Object Under the Tarp Round Session 7: Im-Mort-ality
  12. Burning Mort The Premier Tecmo Experience of 2017 July 15, 2017 This will be a Tecmo experience like no other -- a completely outdoor extravaganza -- the second of its kind. Burning Mort will be a Tribal event, but forming a team will not be necessary. Your tribe will be chosen by the Tecmo Gods at the Burning Mort Experience. Friday, July 14 Tecmo Social Downtown Fargo Pounds - - (612 1st Ave N, Fargo ND 58102) Starts at 7:30ish Tecmo, drinks and shenanigans Meet and greet the Tecmo Greats Play some Free Arcade Games Saturday, July 15 Burning Mort Leonard, North Dakota Location: 46°39'13.48"N; 97°18'31.03"W (https://goo.gl/maps/GyKiTFQAW732) Play starts at 1:00 PM Experience extends until dawn and ends only when you want it to Cost will be $40. Included in the cost: Player's pack, Playing Time, 1 Meal (Meat), All the Beer You Can Drink, Snacks, The Experience Player List: (Absolutes) 1. Mort 2. Louis 3. Holzbauer, Josh 4. Orenga 5. Erik Merlis 6. Durch 7. TecmoNoob 8. Bryce M 9. Leonardite 10. Dr. Frolf 11. Bob Nelson 12. Dave F. Murray 13, Holzbauer, Chet 14. Dot Don 15. Segathon 16. Beef Juice (Blind Shot in the Dark) Grogan (Fuck Burning Mort) Bruddog Peter Kerins Luke Carlberg Moulds Knobbe Butt Douglas Gabelikesbutts All info will be shared here, but more importantly will be visible at: Burningmort.com Burning Mort is an outdoor Tecmo Experience. Mark it on your calendars as such.
  13. You don't choose to come to Burning Mort. Burning Mort chooses you.
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