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Files posted by TimBone

  1. Space Mutants - Full Game Download

    ***10/23/23:  I have been working on expanding, improving, and updating Space Mutants for the last five or so months. I have expanded the games size by about 45%! Enjoy this new version of the game! New Bosses, New Levels, New Enemies!
    Your name is Arlo, Arlo P. Barnaby. You and a crew of sixty other Miners are sent out to the outer reaches of the solar system and stationed on an obscure desolate moon for the next six months to mine for valuable moon rock deposits. While mining, you and your crew unearths an ancient evil and it awakens to wreaks havoc upon the living! Scared and alone you barricade yourself inside of your living quarters and hide from the evil for days. When you realize it is either you make an escape attempt or wait to die, that is when you venture out into the abyss of evil to save yourself!
    Link to Space Mutants Official Page: https://t-bone1.itch.io/space-mutants
    Play on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2435230/Space_Mutants/


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  2. Tecmo Super Bowl - Random Year's League - Vol. 1

    This is a roster edit of the 28 team Tecmo Super Bowl ROM for the NES. I used an online dice roller to select what year each team ended up with. No hacks have been applied to this ROM, it is vanilla as vanilla can be in those regards. Below are the year's the teams rolled. I simmed one season and the 1966 Bears won the Super Bowl, never underestimate Gayle Sayers!!! Enjoy!
    1999 Bills          
    2020 Colts   
    1979 Dolphins
    2001 Patriots
    2021 Jets
    1984 Redskins
    1992 Giants
    1967 Eagles
    1976 Cardinals
    2008 Cowboys
    1983 Bengals
    1979 Browns
    2003 Titans
    1988 Steelers
    1966 Bears
    2013 Lions
    1975 Packers
    2007 Vikings
    2019 Buccaneers
    1974 Broncos
    1968 Chiefs
    1988 Raiders
    1973 Chargers
    1998 Seahawks
    2014 49ers
    1992 Rams
    2014 Saints
    2014 Falcons



  3. Deth Complex 2

    The Maniac summons Mr. McDanielson once more to his Deth Complex! This time the Maniac has taken McDanielson's wife, "Kira", hostage and is going to turn her into one of his zombie slaves. McDanielson must traverse the dangerous complex once more to save his wife and kill the Maniac once and for all! 
    This NES ROM requires UNROM 512 / Mapper%2330 supported hardware or emulators. Please use Mesen%2C FCEUX%2C or original NES hardware via flash cart for the best experience.
    Link to Itch page: https://t-bone1.itch.io/deth-complex-2


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  4. Deth Complex!

    Your last memory of the free world is:  you walking alone in the basement parking garage, you reach for your keys and next thing you feel is a thud and then everything turns to blackness. When you emerge from the darkness a monstrous face appears on the once static filled wall tv monitor. It says to you, "Welcome to my Deth Complex!". You find out quickly that death is lurking around every corner! You must find and rescue your son Billy, who also has been abducted, and find a way out of this factory of Death! 
    This NES ROM requires UNROM 512 / Mapper#30 supported hardware or emulators. Please use Mesen, FCEUX, or original NES hardware via flash cart for the best experience.
    Made with NESmaker: https://www.thenew8bitheroes.com/downloads
    Play from your browser here at Retroverse: https://theretroverse.com/welcome/icon_view?g=TWpNNA==
    A button: Jump/NPC text
    B button: Swing Bat
    Start: Start Game/Pause
    Select: Resets Game to Start Screen



  5. Assault!! On Planet Beezlebub

    Alabastard McDanielson (the "d" is silent) takes on the dreaded beasts of Planet Beezlbub! Lions! Tigers! Bears! and giant Chinese stars, oh my!!! Can you get Alabastard to the escape pod in time before this planet of evil and despair self-destructs???? Click that download button my friend and find out!! GL!
    This NES ROM requires UNROM 512 / Mapper#30 supported hardware or emulators. Please use Mesen, FCEUX, or original NES hardware via flash cart for the best experience.
    Also included now is the lost level #4!


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  6. Bowels Of The Beast and Witches Weed

    Updated Bowels of the Beast 10/10/21. Updated Graphics and Animations. And moved Green Scourge save point.
    Made With NESmaker: https://www.thenew8bitheroes.com/downloads


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