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Gary Reasons

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  1. Ok. So is it the first person to tap A 5 times? 10 times? Most taps in 2 seconds?
  2. Here's an ancient question I've always been curious about... Is there a definitive answer as to how the winners of "grapples" are determined? (Man vs Man, Live NES version) Is it the first person to tap "A" a certain amount of times? Has anyone ever done any scientific experiments on this? Does it have to do with the players involved, or Is it a combination of everything... (taps, players, condition, power) Or is it a mystery?
  3. Im in a group of 6 that has an annual tournament. This year we were gonna use the 6 worst teams in the game (Not including Tampa Bay), any thoughts? 1. Colts 2. Patriots 3. Cardinals 4. Seahawks 5. Browns? 6. ????
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