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  1. Thanks
    BAD_AL got a reaction from GameplayLoop in TSB Editor - TSBTool Supreme - Season Generator   
    (new 2024!)
    There is now an online version of the Editor written in Godot 3, it is available at:
    Also linked in the first first post. 
    It is intended for use on Mobile devices where you'd like to make some quick edits (like the Android app, back when it used to work on Android).
    It is written in the Godot 3 (game engine) which has the ability to export to HTML5 and it uses the core C# code from TSBTool so it should have mostly all the same bugs.
    It is not extensively tested so feel free to report bugs to the github repo.

    Q: Why not Godot 4?
    A: Because Godot 4 does not yet support C# integration for HTML5 and Godot 3 export size is small (~20 - 30 MB).

  2. Thanks
    BAD_AL got a reaction from Knobbe in TSB Editor - TSBTool Supreme - Season Generator   
    (new 2024!)
    There is now an online version of the Editor written in Godot 3, it is available at:
    Also linked in the first first post. 
    It is intended for use on Mobile devices where you'd like to make some quick edits (like the Android app, back when it used to work on Android).
    It is written in the Godot 3 (game engine) which has the ability to export to HTML5 and it uses the core C# code from TSBTool so it should have mostly all the same bugs.
    It is not extensively tested so feel free to report bugs to the github repo.

    Q: Why not Godot 4?
    A: Because Godot 4 does not yet support C# integration for HTML5 and Godot 3 export size is small (~20 - 30 MB).

  3. Like
    BAD_AL reacted to bruddog in Tecmo Super Bowl reverse engineered source code   
    Today is the day...
  4. Like
    BAD_AL got a reaction from Beastmode in TSB Editor - TSBTool Supreme - Season Generator   
    (new 2024!)
    There is now an online version of the Editor written in Godot 3, it is available at:
    Also linked in the first first post. 
    It is intended for use on Mobile devices where you'd like to make some quick edits (like the Android app, back when it used to work on Android).
    It is written in the Godot 3 (game engine) which has the ability to export to HTML5 and it uses the core C# code from TSBTool so it should have mostly all the same bugs.
    It is not extensively tested so feel free to report bugs to the github repo.

    Q: Why not Godot 4?
    A: Because Godot 4 does not yet support C# integration for HTML5 and Godot 3 export size is small (~20 - 30 MB).

  5. Thanks
    BAD_AL got a reaction from Knobbe in TSB Editor - TSBTool Supreme - Season Generator   
    It requires the .NET framework. I think anything 2.0 and above should work.
    It is not compiled for .NET Core (the new cross-platform .NET framework) though. So if you're trying to run with .NET Core, I don't think that would work.
  6. Thanks
    BAD_AL got a reaction from Knobbe in TSB Editor - TSBTool Supreme - Season Generator   
    It should be pretty easy to import rosters between supported roms.
    You just copy & paste the text.
    The newer versions (like 1.3) also have the ability to convert between the different formats for TSB1, TSB2 & TSB3 (although, this feature has been less used and tested little). 

  7. Thanks
    BAD_AL got a reaction from GRG in TSB Editor - TSBTool Supreme - Season Generator   
    It should be pretty easy to import rosters between supported roms.
    You just copy & paste the text.
    The newer versions (like 1.3) also have the ability to convert between the different formats for TSB1, TSB2 & TSB3 (although, this feature has been less used and tested little). 

  8. Upvote
    BAD_AL got a reaction from SBlueman in Any less tedious way to edit rosters?   
    To reiterate what Knobee mentioned, this is a key design principal of the program (to edit with Excel).
  9. Like
    BAD_AL reacted to ovenmitt in Guide to creating TSB player portraits   
    I've learned a ton from this site and was able to go from never editing a ROM file to making an entire custom ROM with new players, teams, plays, and lots of new graphics, based entirely on info I learned here on this site and using a bunch of the Tecmo-specific tools that you guys have built over the years. One thing that worked really well was customizing graphics to display a portrait in the opening credit screens. Of course, you can make portraits of your friends and family, it's not just for TSB legends. 
    As I told him, this post by bruddog really is key to understanding Tecmo graphics. With that knowledge I was able to build some cool stuff, and I've created the attached guide for anyone who wants to do the same. Also a sample ROM file you can inspect or customize. To be fair: there are quite a few steps, it isn't automated, it will certainly take a while the first time. Hope you find this to be useful... and please post any tips for making these images look even better!

    TecmoPortraitsGuide.pdf Tecmo2021_randall.nes
  10. Like
    BAD_AL got a reaction from palmcd in TSB2 Editor   
    that's an older one.
    The TSB3 editing capability has been added into TSBToolSupreme. 

    If you're having trouble with a certain ROM, ones here should work:
  11. Like
    BAD_AL got a reaction from fgqb#19nyj in Is an 18 week schedule possible in Tecmo Super Bowl for the NES?   
    If a new ROM needs to be created for this, I can update TSBTool to support it.
  12. Like
    BAD_AL got a reaction from SBlueman in Is an 18 week schedule possible in Tecmo Super Bowl for the NES?   
    If a new ROM needs to be created for this, I can update TSBTool to support it.
  13. Thanks
    BAD_AL got a reaction from Knobbe in TSBII & TSBIII Editor (TSBTool2)   
    This should be fixed in the latest release of TSBToolSupreme (version
  14. Like
    BAD_AL got a reaction from SBlueman in TSBII & TSBIII Editor (TSBTool2)   
    This should be fixed in the latest release of TSBToolSupreme (version
  15. Thanks
    BAD_AL got a reaction from EmpireBowl in TSBII & TSBIII Editor (TSBTool2)   
    Hi Guys, I'be been working on this one over the last few weeks.
    It is TSBTool for the SNES versions of TSBII & TSBIII.
    Edit Player Names, attributes, sim values Edit Team strings (name, city, abb) Edit Team Playbooks  Edit Schedules Edit Free Agents (TSBIII) Edit all time greats (TSBIII) Edit All 3 seasons of TSBII Convert data between TSBI, TSBII & TSBIII Auto Update Player Sim Values (formulas editable and defined in "Formulas\" directory)  
    Go ahead and try it out.
    It does not yet mess with the player photos in TSBIII (anyone know how to change those?).
    TSBTool2 is now deprecated.
    The functionality to edit TSBII & TSBIII has been rolled into the latest version of TSBToolSupreme (which should make converting between the versions easier).
    Latest releases should be here:
  16. Thanks
    BAD_AL got a reaction from EmpireBowl in TSB2 Editor   
    I recently wrote an editor for TSB2 & TSB3:
    Posted it in the Editors forum too.
  17. Thanks
    BAD_AL got a reaction from SBlueman in Tecmo Bowl Editor   
    There is another one on this thread too:
  18. Like
    BAD_AL reacted to TheFes75 in Tecmo Bowl Tool   
    I think I have everything in here now. The document I put together is now 20 pages long.  I have included Tecmo Turd's TB tool. I can't get it to work the way he intended, but I do use it to change the plays, play art and play bytes & Blitz bytes.  Just keep all of the files in one folder. Drag your ROM into the folder.  Open the TBtool.exe once you do that open the ROM into the TBtool and go to Set Playbooks.  Once in that screen just type the play you want for which team and hit set plays.  Very simple.  The only issue is once you close it out the play descriptions (Ind1, Den2 etc. don't stay, they just say N/A.  When you go into your ROM and play it though the plays are changed.
    TBTool.zip Original Tecmo Bowl 32 Team ROM with Updated Graphics Hex Locations.docx
  19. Upvote
    BAD_AL reacted to TecmoTurd in 4Play Studios presents: Tecmo Bowl 32   
    Tecmo Bowl with 32 teams. It's here. Lots of IM conversations and whatnot went into getting this thing rolling. I initially wanted to release this as a final edit before Thursday's game, but I need to think about the amount of sleep I'm getting, so in the interest of doing it right and not putting out a rush job, and saving my sanity, I'm releasing this now, with final ratings coming in a subsequent update.

    So, I'll get more into the ROM below, but know that while the ROM itself as a base ROM is completely stable, there are some incomplete ratings especially in regards to the HP attributes on FGs, as well as some potential personnel changes that might not be reflected in this thing. Consider this the 32-Team ROM thread, and I'll make another thread dedicated to our 2011 final release. All that said, this is playable, and provides you a good look at the newest member of the 32 team family!

    4Play Studios is comprised of 5 people:

    jstout - Tecmo Hacking Expert
    WarrenMoonBomb - Chief Rater
    TecmoTurd - Chief Rater
    BoKnows - CEO, Canadian Tecmo Bowl Consultants
    Tecmo-Mad-Brad - CEO American Tecmo Bowl Consultants
    jstout - Just because the dude needs to be mentioned twice for his awesomeness. Patience, and lots of NES hacking smart, and one of the nicer guys I've met in the community make him one BAMF. (Bad Ass Mother Hubber).

    The Story
    The question has been asked, "why would you play Tecmo Bowl when we have Tecmo Super Bowl?" I used to say the same thing. I had gotten burned out on TSB, but always had a desire to play it no matter what, if that makes sense. With baseball coming to a close in the upcoming months, I knew I needed a Tecmo project to keep my mind occupied. One day, I stumbled upon BoKnows' site, which happens to be the greatest Tecmo Bowl resource on the planet, and it got me interested. So, I started to play. As I continued on, I felt refreshed. It was a change of pace. It was Tecmo. It was the cure to what ailed me!

    Of course, by nature, I started digging. I wanted to know everything there was to know about this game, (likely one day leading to burnout of this as well, and my eventual move to a 32 team Tecmo Arcade ROM). So, I read, I playtested, and I chatted up anyone who wanted to listen about my newfound love for this game. I eventually posted on Knobbe here, and found a few folks who were interested in the game. After playing a few pickup games on the original, I started the gears turning on making my own edit for 2011, but I was hampered by the fact that there were only 12 teams. It wasn't worth it to me.

    Eventually, I found myself chatting with jstout, and long story short, he mercifully agreed to add teams to the original Tecmo Bowl (probably just to shut me up), bringing us up to a full 32! Right away, I got to rating my own ROM on a local spreadsheet while jstout worked on the ROM. I wanted to be prepared. Shortly thereafter, WarrenMoonBomb started chatting with me, and I roped him into helping me. I uploaded the spreadsheet to google docs and we were able to collaborate on ratings in real time. Turns out, he was a standout partner, pulling his fair share of the work, and to be honest, we worked well together. We talked each other out of over-rating, under-rating, and resolved differences effectively.

    What you see here is the output of those rating sessions. We consulted the experts, did lots of playtesting (with still more to do). There will be a final version of this ROM, so please consider the ratings portion of this ROM a beta.

    You might look at this ROM and think "What? So and so is way underrated!" We took the team-based approach and had to adjust certain players down. Tecmo Bowl is a game that is very position-based, and even a slightly above average player in the right position makes the defense really good. We consulted the experts on this one. Trust us, it works. If you really just can't live with one of the ratings, make your case and we'll listen. Otherwise, play the game and have fun. Each team should have at least one positive aspect to it that makes them fun to play with. The Rams? No defense, but Steven Jackson is a beast who can run over defenders. Ok, maybe the Lions are useless, but they are in real life too.

    Base Features (these are not hacks, these are part of the 32 team base ROM)
    Uniform hack (P1 team uses home jerseys, P2 uses away jerseys)
    Each team has their own 16 week schedule
    All 32 teams from the NFL are represented (by city only to retain that "we don't have the license" feel).
    WR nows show previous season's ReTD totals
    DL/LB now show previous season's tackles
    Team Playbooks (we left Oakland's playbook as the split-back playbook to show that the blocking has been fixed on their run 1)

    There are more features, hacks, etc on the horizon, but they will all be add-ons. Also, there will be an editor (currently in-progress) that I'll make a new thread for, and we're working on a league of sorts once all the editing completes.

    I hope you get as much fun out of this as we did making it happen. Enjoy!

    Initial ROM - downloaded 26 times
    Beta 1 - downloaded 20 times
    Beta 2 - downloaded 18 times
    Beta 3 - downloaded 10 times
    Preseason - downloaded 71 times
    4Play - TB2011 - No Hacks.zip
  20. Thanks
    BAD_AL got a reaction from AZcards77 in Tecmo Bowl Tool   
    I'm currently working on text conversion functions between the different versions (TSBTool formats).
    I have the following text conversions:
    TSB1 --> TSB2 TSB2 -> TSB1 TSB3 -> TSB2 TSB2 -> TSB3   
    And I wanted to add a conversion to to Original TB.
    I'm sure someone around here has it and can re-upload it.
  21. Upvote
    BAD_AL got a reaction from fgqb#19nyj in Team Name Location   
    With the latest release of TSBToolSupreme (, you can now edit the Team names, cities and team abbreviations.
    So the spreadsheet is no longer needed (for the latest version).
  22. Upvote
    BAD_AL got a reaction from Knobbe in TSB Editor - TSBTool Supreme - Season Generator   
    I'll have to update the labels in the next release. 
    I'm also working on 'Auto Update Team Sim Data', but I haven't yet come up with formulas that produce results that I'm happy with. 
  23. Thanks
    BAD_AL got a reaction from SBlueman in TSB Editor - TSBTool Supreme - Season Generator   
    I'll have to update the labels in the next release. 
    I'm also working on 'Auto Update Team Sim Data', but I haven't yet come up with formulas that produce results that I'm happy with. 
  24. Like
    BAD_AL got a reaction from TheRaj in Team Name Location   
    With the latest release of TSBToolSupreme (, you can now edit the Team names, cities and team abbreviations.
    So the spreadsheet is no longer needed (for the latest version).
  25. Upvote
    BAD_AL got a reaction from kamphuna8 in TSBII & TSBIII Editor (TSBTool2)   
    Hi Guys, I'be been working on this one over the last few weeks.
    It is TSBTool for the SNES versions of TSBII & TSBIII.
    Edit Player Names, attributes, sim values Edit Team strings (name, city, abb) Edit Team Playbooks  Edit Schedules Edit Free Agents (TSBIII) Edit all time greats (TSBIII) Edit All 3 seasons of TSBII Convert data between TSBI, TSBII & TSBIII Auto Update Player Sim Values (formulas editable and defined in "Formulas\" directory)  
    Go ahead and try it out.
    It does not yet mess with the player photos in TSBIII (anyone know how to change those?).
    TSBTool2 is now deprecated.
    The functionality to edit TSBII & TSBIII has been rolled into the latest version of TSBToolSupreme (which should make converting between the versions easier).
    Latest releases should be here:
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