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  1. does anyone have or know of a tecmo super bowl 3 simulation editing tool. I know you can do some stuff with tsb manager 3 but it will not let you change the stat of you superstar editor players i'm looking for a program that will do that. or either the hex editing information for created players so i can make my defensive linemen get more sacks. any help will be greatly appreciated. thanks.
  2. thanks for the reply rod but none of this has helped either i can't get it to load the rom? I'm sure you know of someone with an answer.
  3. when i try to open tecmo super 3 final edition with tecmo super bowl manager 3 i get this error ivalid rom format reason #339. Does anyone have the solution? I'm using windows vista and i have already removed the headers like the faq section said. I can't open it with tecmo mangager 2000 either please help. Thanks.
  4. did you find your answer i would like to know i'm getting the same error number and can't load a rom in the manager.
  5. Has anyone tried this and found it to work? because i have more on different positions.
  6. offinsive line doesn't need it. you can get enough creation points with them by simming about 6 seasons in a row. as long as the guy doesn't die. but you can only take 1 full line of creation points when you create him. then you just sit back and watch after each season. sometimes he will stall out and die but if he doesn't he will get enough to fill all his lines up and will make the pro bowl every season.
  7. i have been working with this game for years trying to figure it out through the simming my games. I noticed that the computer players say for instance running backs would have a higher average yards per carry at the end of every season than i would. so when you go to edit a player don't make him until you have 3 lines and two red specs of ability to use. then put it on these areas as so. RUNNING SPEED 100 MAXIMUM SPEED 100 BODY BALANCE 100 AGILITY 38 If you make a running back just like this and put him on any team he will come in first every season just by simming. these certain areas tend to make a player play better. I one secret for every position except quarter backs and how to get alot of sacks. if anyone wants more please reply.
  8. i have been working with this game for years trying to figure it out through the simming my games. I noticed that the computer players say for instance running backs would have a higher average yards per carry at the end of every season than i would. so when you go to edit a player don't make him until you have 3 lines and two red specs of ability to use. then put it on these areas as so. RUNNING SPEED 100 MAXIMUM SPEED 100 BODY BALANCE 100 AGILITY 38 If you make a running back just like this and put him on any team he will come in first every season just by simming. these certain areas tend to make a player play better. I one secret for every position except quarter backs and how to get alot of sacks. if anyone wants more please reply.
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