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  1. WineBottler (and/or I believe wine itself) no longer works on newer macos versions (above catalina) Here are a few options for anyone else interested: 1. Wineskin 2. PortingKit This doc will help with more info: https://github.com/Gcenx/wine-on-mac/blob/master/README.md#macos-catalina-and-later Let me know if you have any questions!
  2. Thanks!! I hope we can one day get these amazing hacks shared.
  3. Few more questions: 1. How does it work when you draft the middle defense of a 4-3 team? 2. Since the raiders technically only have 2 receivers in their 2 back set how do you make that work? 3. Can you switch top and bottom receivers/tight ends? 4. Can you switch defensive player alignment? 5. Does drafting the raiders playbook require you to to have two running backs. If so how do you manage that? 6. What are your rules on qb runs, play picks, and field goal/xp blocking. Same as omaha?
  4. Is there any way to implement the check defensive conditions hack into my own rom?
  5. Also why did tecmo ninja draft Jim kelly? Was he in the japan version of tecmo bowl? I didnt see him in the rosters listed here.
  6. What program do you use to edit the roms with drafted rosters?
  7. For any original 10-team purists, I created a 10 team patch. (Attached below) 10tmRBI juice.ips
  8. So I was looking through some old fourms at dee-nee.com and I stumbled upon a juiced 30 team rom from @TecmoTurd. I dug a little deeper and thanks to this great text document by @jstout, I was able to create a 30 team patch for RBI Baseball to juice up the cpu (for people like me who don't have anyone to play with). Refer to the document for Hex locations, max numbers, etc... I will see if there is a hack for the original 10-team rom. Let me know if you have any questions! (I also attached a 2022 rom (not juiced) to test with from @Baron von Lector) -Beastmode NEW-30tm juice.ips R.B.I. Baseball 2022.nes RBI baseball 30 team juice.txt
  9. If you had to use 3/4 defenses (I hope you can implement 4/3) I would pick a side (right or left) where the lb's are and put a DE there on that far right side. (RDE as ROLD or LDE as LOLB) I think that this makes the most sense but it may not be the best way.
  10. I mean a SET command or patch. This isn't on the 32 team base rom or other hacks on this site so I was wondering where I could find how to add the hack or the code for the hack. Thanks.
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