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Tecmo NCAA Basketball '15 (NES)

You know what to do (Download this!).


I released this game back in 2015, however this time around, it is without the dreaded "12th man super-scorer" glitch. Nine years after its initial release, this has been fixed.


As of today, this the first (and only) college basketball game on the NES (until I put out a follow-up in the next year or two).


  • All the team logos, uniforms, and courts have been modified to reflect their college counterparts.
  • SimData has been modified to reflect typical college basketball scores (Scores of 75-70 are the norm).
  • There are 27 teams in this ROM. The team selection was partially based on what teams were hot in 2015, and historical significance (see attached screenshot). This provides for effortless future updates.


For the sake of realness, it is HIGHLY advised you play a season with a SHORT schedule (26 games). This closest reflects a regular season of college basketball.


This ROM is the best of its kind. You would be a fool NOT to add it to your collection.


This is one of MANY games that I have on my BaronGaming.weebly.com and Patreon.com/BaronGaming sites, most of which you won't find anywhere else. The site is currently being renovated, so please mind the mess.


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