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Roster/Player Rating Spreadsheets used to create new versions of Tecmo Bowl every year?


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I wanted to see if anyone knew of any downloadable spreadsheets out there for all teams?  For the members that update the player ratings each year, do you use anything as a baseline or is it all done by research?  Reason I'm asking is I wrote a Madden Editor a few years back and have been making some changes to the editor to make it a bit easier to update the ROM's.  I added an Import from Excel feature which I'm finishing up on being able to import every team in one shot and save it to the ROM.  


What I've been using to do this are the spreadsheets from https://maddenratings.weebly.com/madden-nfl-24.html


At least this is a starting point but rosters/player ratings there were from August 2023 and not updated since then.  Years ago EA's website let you download the Roster/Player Ratings but took that away back in 2016 or so if I remember correctly.  


Starting by editing the Madden ROM by hand, to creating the editor, to adding importing of spreadsheets by team to now being able to import all 32 teams in one shot makes keeping Madden Rosters up to date much easier as I would like to start putting out a new Madden ROM each season like the great bunch of members do on here for Tecmo Bowl.


Just trying to figure out a way to get the most up to date ratings into a spreadsheet so I can import them into my Editor.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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16 hours ago, bruddog said:

I would typically pull roster information from pro-football-reference.com or pff.


As far as ratings.. again combination of info from different sites 

Any particular sites you use for the ratings?

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is what I use for a base. It works for most positions and based on their caliber; pro bowler, all pro, all decade, and HOF then I give boosts. For a QB depending on if it's a (scrambler 2/3), (balanced1/2), or (pocket1/3) QB you make those adjustments. For Kicker and Punter I would treat like a pocket QB and 1/3 the stats. This information is available on Pro football ref. 


RS Centimeters RP (KG/CM)*100 MS (CM/KG)*40 HP Kilograms
63 200< 69 <50 75 85< 81 142<
56 195-199 63 51-55 69 80-84 75 135-141
50 191-194 56 56-60 63 75-79 69 128-134
44 187-190 50 61-65 56 70-74 63 121-127
38 183-186 44 66-70 50 65-69 56 114-120
31 179-182 38 71-75 44 60-64 50 107-113
25 175-178 31 76-80 38 55-59 44 100-106
19 171-174 25 80-85 31 50-54 38 93-99
13 <170 19 86-90 25 45-49 31 86-92
    13 91< 19 40-44 25 79-85
        13 <39 19 72-78
            13 <71


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1 hour ago, Ryzzynnwa said:

This is what I use for a base. It works for most positions and based on their caliber; pro bowler, all pro, all decade, and HOF then I give boosts. For a QB depending on if it's a (scrambler 2/3), (balanced1/2), or (pocket1/3) QB you make those adjustments. For Kicker and Punter I would treat like a pocket QB and 1/3 the stats. This information is available on Pro football ref. 


RS Centimeters RP (KG/CM)*100 MS (CM/KG)*40 HP Kilograms
63 200< 69 <50 75 85< 81 142<
56 195-199 63 51-55 69 80-84 75 135-141
50 191-194 56 56-60 63 75-79 69 128-134
44 187-190 50 61-65 56 70-74 63 121-127
38 183-186 44 66-70 50 65-69 56 114-120
31 179-182 38 71-75 44 60-64 50 107-113
25 175-178 31 76-80 38 55-59 44 100-106
19 171-174 25 80-85 31 50-54 38 93-99
13 <170 19 86-90 25 45-49 31 86-92
    13 91< 19 40-44 25 79-85
        13 <39 19 72-78
            13 <71


I do get what you are going for here but in many cases this going to be way off even as a baseline. 


I don't think rating their speed stats off  their height/weight stats really makes much sense. Speed is near everything for an offensive player in tecmo. In real life speed matters but not anywhere near the extent it does in tecmo. 


What is the logic behind taller players being quicker (more RS?). If anything I would reverse that char to make the shorter players quicker.  


I mean for HP most OL are big dudes but their size doesn't have that much to do with their blocking ability. 


I think you'd really have to blend their (height and weight) with other stats

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20 hours ago, bruddog said:

I do get what you are going for here but in many cases this going to be way off even as a baseline. 


I don't think rating their speed stats off  their height/weight stats really makes much sense. Speed is near everything for an offensive player in tecmo. In real life speed matters but not anywhere near the extent it does in tecmo. 


What is the logic behind taller players being quicker (more RS?). If anything I would reverse that char to make the shorter players quicker.  


I mean for HP most OL are big dudes but their size doesn't have that much to do with their blocking ability. 


I think you'd really have to blend their (height and weight) with other stats

So if you do it for any player you will see it is not way off base, in fact for all positional players that are not QBs or K/P it works great. As to the nuances of a player, I agree there is a difference, that is why I stated probowls, all pros, HOF, stats and other things can modify the stats. Its just a baseline. Its an easy plug in for a start for a player. The limitations in TSB don't allow for much nuance, So you make a few adjustments. 


The logic behind taller players being faster to start with goes to my 10 years of playing professional basketball. Its pretty simple, although at 6'1 I was quicker than the 6'5" player the length of his strides made the area he could cover greater. This is why most sprinters are taller and shorter people don't dominate the sport. I am quicker to a spot but the distance they can travel in a stride is greater than mine. For every five strides by me is equal to 3 strides for a taller person. This means the RP should always be higher in a taller player and Acceleration should always be higher in a shorter player. All this dependent of weight of course.


It sucks we can't do some secondary attribute in TSB for the OL, they are the most basic player in the game. So obviously their range is limited.

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Shorter players tend to be quicker. Just look at the nba. Or slot wr’s. They tend to be the smaller/lighter guys. 

Running speed equals starting speed (quickness) in tecmo so that chart looks reversed.


The max speed formula just seems like it ends up mostly as random noise… i picked a handful of slow and fast guys..

it told me ricky proehl needs to be 75 ms. Ummm…

I get your thought process behind this but I have major doubts it works very well for the tecmo engine.


Given tecmo is so limited in attributes and how much top speed means on offense. You really have to use the players/teams on field production to guide ratings.




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This is why I said other criteria needs to factor in. You certainly can't just base a forty time on a guys in game speed. Rice would be average in the 40, same with Largent. You have to have a baseline and then go from there. My spreadsheet for All-time players is setup so that no player has the exact same Attributes. Making every player have a unique score. I just calculate out every version of attribute minus the sim attributes. The sim attributes I try to stay as true as possible to their value but obviously some things have to be cut into depending on the offense they run and so on. 


Here is a sample.


jerry RICE, Face=0x8c, #80, 38, 75, 69, 38, 38, 81
steve LARGENT, Face=0x1d, #80, 38, 75, 69, 31, 44, 81
calvin JOHNSON, Face=0x87, #81, 38, 69, 75, 38, 38, 75
randy MOSS, Face=0xa1, #84, 38, 69, 75, 31, 38, 81
desean JACKSON, Face=0x8e, #25, 25, 75, 63, 25, 31, 69
andre RISON, Face=0x9c, #80, 25, 75, 63, 19, 31, 69
gary CLARK, Face=0xa1, #84, 25, 69, 69, 38, 38, 75
roddy WHITE, Face=0xd2, #84, 25, 69, 69, 31, 38, 75
dk METCALF, Face=0xd1, #14, 19, 63, 75, 31, 38, 69
charlie JOINER, Face=0x91, #18, 19, 63, 75, 25, 25, 75
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