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Gal.  It is Marcy, she's two doors down


You'll find her sleeping in her hammock, slung in her loft.  (She only awakens for 4/3 defense requests)




seriously though, i think SBlueman knows a thing or three about that


(He's the one who tranquilized Marcy, with a dart)


Adding 4/3 formations is quite complex. Unless you are trying to make every team 4-3.


If you are trying to make some 3-4 and some 4-3 then its a lot of programming to make that work.


They way jstout did it way back was to add additional banks of play design. And then the correct ones would  be referenced depending on what type of defense the team was.


On my rom I let the player select the defense at the play screen…this only required one defensive bank.


You might be best off using his 3-4/4-3 rom. It should be on the board somewhere.


I looked at everything in the playbook and it looks like the best way to do it without messing everything up and creating too much work would be to just have two types of 4/3 defenses; 4/3 right = ROLB gets moved up to line of scrimmage but at same width as he was before and the RE becomes RDT and the DT becomes LDT no moving them, or 4/3 left = the LOLB gets moved up to line of scrimmage but at same width as he was before and the LE becomes LDT and the DT becomes RDT no moving them.  




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