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Editing Player Icons


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Via a lost thread



Can someone suggest a course of action (HEX location / command strategy) for removing the Player Icons "1" and "2" on the Defensive side of the ball during in-game play? Are the different sides of the ball and where the icon is lined up denoted separately in the HEX? I figure if you use the skin color palette option of the four color options to redraw a football (which I've done) in place of the "1" and "2" above the heads of the Offensive players only, it would add a nice little player icon dynamic. The problem is removing the "1" and "2" from over the Defensive side of the ball. Since the rosters are separated I would assume this possible, but could be totally incorrect, where there is no way to "00-out" the tile pointers to the "1" and "2" in differentiating from either side of the game.

Anybody have a fix for this?

Mucho thanks.


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Via Jstout


The icons aren't separated by offense and defense. I haven't gotten to test this out yet beyond a few plays so I'll do that when I have the chance but this seemed to be working.

x3DC33 and x3DC7E:

20 70 BF  JSR $BF70
EA        NOP


A5 70     LDA $70 ; Play Value
29 40     AND #$40
C9 40     CMP #$40
D0 0A     BNE :+
; Player 2 has Ball
A9 FE     LDA #$FE ; Set Player 1 Icon off screen
8D 00 02  STA $0200
A9 A3     LDA #$A3 ; Tile # of Football
A0 43     LDY #$43 ; Color Palette 3 and Flip Tile
60        RTS
; Player 1 has Ball
A9 FE   : LDA #$FE ; Set Player 2 Icon off screen
8D 04 02  STA $0204
A9 A3     LDA #$A3 ; Tile # of Football
A0 01     LDY #$01 ; Color Palette 1
60        RTS

x3DBFC and x3DC47 = Icon Height above player (x0C worked ok)

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