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Welcome! The Official Introductions / First Post Thread

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Every once in a while I poke outside of TecmoBowl.org and am inspired by other online communities. In the past, you either just sort of made a first post somewhere random, or a "Hi there" post wherever you felt to.

Thus, if you're new here, or even if you've been here since day one, feel free to say "Hi " in this thread.


If you're new to TecmoBowl.org, you might do yourself a favor by looking over our New Members Thread for valuable information and descriptions about what this forum has to offer.

And while you're at it, why not add yourself to the TSB Players Map? We'd like the Players Map to eventually help Tecmo Super Bowl fans be able to see who is in their area for starting up a tournament, or just finding a new bud to play a game.


Hi, my name is Lee and I'm from Saint James, New York. I prefer TB but can and do play TSB. I'm somewhat new (does 34 posts still entitle me as new?) to this forum and never really made the "official" new member post...so here it is.


I'd say you qualify as new and also have doubled the number of Tecmo Bowl fanatics! Tecmo-Mad-Brad finally has someone to talk to!!!!

Hi, my name is Lee and I'm from Saint James, New York. I prefer TB but can and do play TSB. I'm somewhat new (does 34 posts still entitle me as new?) to this forum and never really made the "official" new member post...so here it is.

Since I'm about to release what will be my last major update of Tecmo Super Coach '09-10, I'm down for a little history story time.

I'm Maynard. Rod made my name green, which is perfect for me...... Mmmmm.......

I've been around these boards a long time, in that I was visiting every half year or so in the mid 2000s, but only created an account / started frequently posting in 2008 when, after half a lifetime of casual TSB under my belt, was I reunited with a legitimate streak of played seasons with a housemate and great friend of mine, Anthony, during 2006.

He and I must have played 20 or so seasons, logging in all of our season stats in Excel spreadsheets over the course of 8 months or so. Drinking, smoking, trash talking, drinking, smoking, rinse and repeat. We started with MAN games, but my history with TSB sort of separates my skill level from the casual videogame player; this is not to say plenty of individuals couldn't school me who frequent this forum, I'm sure. Although, to my credit, I still have yet to play a single person in a game of TSB from this forum community. So, Anthony, who was more competitive than myself, especially after being in the state of intoxication that we were when TSB was in full effect, didn't like losing all of the time.

When I was younger, back when I was playing TSB with my old man, I couldn't very well play MAN games with him. I would have destroyed him and no way was my old man building that kind of hand / eye coordination. I proposed we play Coach Mode since I wanted to include the old man despite his virtual handicap. That's when I grew an appreciation for Coach Mode and the concept of football played as a game of chess.

Flash forward to Anthony's situation: and so I proposed Coach Mode to him. In our later-20s, Anthony and I realized that another positive of Coach Mode, beyond leveling the playing field some, was that we could truly utilize videogames in the way that we appreciated them, as a relaxer. Having the ability to drink, eat, and consume any an all agents of inebriation while ALSO playing TSB in the form of Coach Mode sold us completely on the playing style.

After he moved out TSB went into hibernation until my next housemate and bud, Dan, moved in. He was a TSB fan as well, but was even worse at playing manually than Anthony was. Coach Mode to the rescue! But it was during my time coaching seasons against Dan, when after I experienced a 2100+ yard season running with Neal Anderson in Coach Mode playing every game against a human coached opponent, that I realized Dan and I, at the very least, needed some form of updated version of TSB.

That's when I joined The TSB Repository. That's when I realized how much information was out there about editing TSB. That's when I realized people like Jstout, CX-ROM, Bad_Al, and others who paved the path for any of this shit to be laid out like it is (as far as I'm concerned anyway) were still lurking in the corners of the forum in partial hibernation after many years of productivity. That's when I started fucking with TSB. The rest is the rest.

I've been messing with my ROM edit, which is a combination of many efforts, as denoted in the credits screen of the game itself and in the Instructions, for the better part of two years or thereabouts. I had no previous knowledge of editing NES ROMs. It did take patience for me to learn many of the concepts needed to graphically edit, or hexadecimally (I just created that word right now) edit TSB. I consider myself a fast but stubborn learner, who better adapts to working with concepts by fucking with them, and which is highlighted by reading about them from those who know better. I'm still learning all sorts of shit about how to edit this game, and there are many people who are way better at doing so than myself. That being said, I'm happy with what I've been able to create, and am always looking forward to that next update--however occasional it might be, as I tend to have a very active life outside of messing with TSB.

Enjoy the Repository. I do! ;)


That's why he's the official PR rep for the Tecmo Repository!

whoa this guy is crazy.

edit: i mean that in the best possible way.


Alright I'll get into this action. As you can see in my user bar I've been here since 2003 (or at least posting) under the name of Boknows34. I just recently changed it to my AIM name so people would know me from games I had played online and such. To go along with the reminiscing of our first post heres mine http://www.tecmobowl.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2047 Man looking back on that I find it funny, to bad I didn't actually play my first online games until like last year. Alot has certainly changed from when I first was lurking, like back then there were alot more polls and such but now they really are just obsolete due to all the documentation of the rating in TSB.

Since I'm about to release what will be my last major update of Tecmo Super Coach '09-10, I'm down for a little history story time.

I'm Maynard. Rod made my name green, which is perfect for me...... Mmmmm.......

I've been around these boards a long time, in that I was visiting every half year or so in the mid 2000s, but only created an account / started frequently posting in 2008 when, after half a lifetime of casual TSB under my belt, was I reunited with a legitimate streak of played seasons with a housemate and great friend of mine, Anthony, during 2006.

He and I must have played 20 or so seasons, logging in all of our season stats in Excel spreadsheets over the course of 8 months or so. Drinking, smoking, trash talking, drinking, smoking, rinse and repeat. We started with MAN games, but my history with TSB sort of separates my skill level from the casual videogame player; this is not to say plenty of individuals couldn't school me who frequent this forum, I'm sure. Although, to my credit, I still have yet to play a single person in a game of TSB from this forum community. So, Anthony, who was more competitive than myself, especially after being in the state of intoxication that we were when TSB was in full effect, didn't like losing all of the time.

When I was younger, back when I was playing TSB with my old man, I couldn't very well play MAN games with him. I would have destroyed him and no way was my old man building that kind of hand / eye coordination. I proposed we play Coach Mode since I wanted to include the old man despite his virtual handicap. That's when I grew an appreciation for Coach Mode and the concept of football played as a game of chess.

Flash forward to Anthony's situation: and so I proposed Coach Mode to him. In our later-20s, Anthony and I realized that another positive of Coach Mode, beyond leveling the playing field some, was that we could truly utilize videogames in the way that we appreciated them, as a relaxer. Having the ability to drink, eat, and consume any an all agents of inebriation while ALSO playing TSB in the form of Coach Mode sold us completely on the playing style.

After he moved out TSB went into hibernation until my next housemate and bud, Dan, moved in. He was a TSB fan as well, but was even worse at playing manually than Anthony was. Coach Mode to the rescue! But it was during my time coaching seasons against Dan, when after I experienced a 2100+ yard season running with Neal Anderson in Coach Mode playing every game against a human coached opponent, that I realized Dan and I, at the very least, needed some form of updated version of TSB.

That's when I joined The TSB Repository. That's when I realized how much information was out there about editing TSB. That's when I realized people like Jstout, CX-ROM, Bad_Al, and others who paved the path for any of this shit to be laid out like it is (as far as I'm concerned anyway) were still lurking in the corners of the forum in partial hibernation after many years of productivity. That's when I started fucking with TSB. The rest is the rest.

I've been messing with my ROM edit, which is a combination of many efforts, as denoted in the credits screen of the game itself and in the Instructions, for the better part of two years or thereabouts. I had no previous knowledge of editing NES ROMs. It did take patience for me to learn many of the concepts needed to graphically edit, or hexadecimally (I just created that word right now) edit TSB. I consider myself a fast but stubborn learner, who better adapts to working with concepts by fucking with them, and which is highlighted by reading about them from those who know better. I'm still learning all sorts of shit about how to edit this game, and there are many people who are way better at doing so than myself. That being said, I'm happy with what I've been able to create, and am always looking forward to that next update--however occasional it might be, as I tend to have a very active life outside of messing with TSB.

Enjoy the Repository. I do! ;)

I always love reading these....

Me - I use TSB as a way to fill my football addiction when I'm not watching or playing it. Not a big video game guy, but this game keeps me coming back.

I'd say you qualify as new and also have doubled the number of Tecmo Bowl fanatics! Tecmo-Mad-Brad finally has someone to talk to!!!!

Eh, about once a year someone new shows up in the TB forum that knows the ins and outs of the game. That equals good times for me. I need to get a damn life one of these years. ;)

For those of you who don't know me, I SINGLE-HANDEDLY AM THE TECMO BOWL FORUM. I also have a website covering Tecmobowl and RBI baseball. See my signature link below.


Hi im new here. I want to play some tecmo super bowl with my emulator. I have nestopia 1.39. This site is the best. Who ever made these programs is a Tecmo genius. The other day i was wondering and wanting to play TSB then I looked it up on the internet and now i have it!!!!! This is a great day in the history of man kind. So does anyone want to play me? I have yet to hook up with a game on the kailleraclient. And am itching to play someone. it has been a long time.


Welcome...I'm putting re-writing the "how to play this shit online" tutorial on top of my Tuesday list.

Glad to have you aboard sir!

Hi im new here. I want to play some tecmo super bowl with my emulator. I have nestopia 1.39. This site is the best. Who ever made these programs is a Tecmo genius. The other day i was wondering and wanting to play TSB then I looked it up on the internet and now i have it!!!!! This is a great day in the history of man kind. So does anyone want to play me? I have yet to hook up with a game on the kailleraclient. And am itching to play someone. it has been a long time.
  • 2 weeks later...

Excellent posts, all! Maynard I have to agree 100% on actually "relaxing" when I play TSB. Consuming substances between plays only works so long until I get sucked into the game and forget to keep consuming substances. Youve convinced me, inadvertantly, to try a season in Coach Mode.

And like Bodom said, this game, for whatever reason, keeps me coming back year after year for almost 20 years. Its a great game. "What up?" and "Welcome" to everybody.


Big Raiders fan havent played this sense I was a kid and lost touch. had a few questions though. Which is the better port NES or SNES and for that game what was the roster of the raiders for that game because I cant remember.


I'm not sure I understand what you mean my port.

If you're talking Raiders though, it's most likely the NES featuring Bo Jackson.

Big Raiders fan havent played this sense I was a kid and lost touch. had a few questions though. Which is the better port NES or SNES and for that game what was the roster of the raiders for that game because I cant remember.

Wuz up gamers!? Big Saints fan here (from La), just discovered this and really loving it. Trying to find a great game that has the Saints as good as they should be, plus one where the com doesn't score every play. Been playing Bucks I think but the com is almost too good. I love this place, thanks to everyone who put in so much work.

Wuz up gamers!? Big Saints fan here (from La), just discovered this and really loving it. Trying to find a great game that has the Saints as good as they should be, plus one where the com doesn't score every play. Been playing Bucks I think but the com is almost too good. I love this place, thanks to everyone who put in so much work.

The download link right above the download link you clicked on to play Buck's game, is another version of Buck's game toned down on the difficulty. Buck calls it the "Vanilla" version, which I think confuses people, or makes them glaze over downloading it. I've been in touch with Buck's people about changing the copyright.

Suggestion: "Easy" & "Hard" etc.


I've been reading these forums for a couple years now but recently joined up. This is a great place to find info, such as editing roms and helmets and such, but if someone is new to online tecmo, it can be confusing. Especially with all the different scenerios for connecting, like TomTupa said

As for TPC, I haven't played in quite a while. Going on the page I'm confused. The FAQ is all about nesticle. Maybe Nesticle and one of the Nestopia downloads should just be eliminated. Hamachi is nowhere on there. I would imagine if I tried to play 10 different noobs there would be at least 5 different ways they expect to connect with me. We need to get everybody on the same page, then it will be easy and I believe you'd see a rebirth. Seriously, last time I got on there one guy wants to play on servers, the other p2p, another wants Nesticle.. it's a mess. If we got everything straight for sois I'm sure he could update the downloads and faqs in an afternoon.

People who love the game and maybe aren't the greatest at it all got degraded so much around here that they leave. I'm glad to see talk of playing the comp and coaching and such. I also like the group of guys that's hanging around the Repository these days. Much more constructive discussion in place of all the complaining that used to go on constantly.

I had no idea someone could play tecmo superbowl on a computer much less online, until a couple of years ago. So there is a lot to digest for us noobs or whatever we r. Hopefully Aaron can organize his TPC so everyone is on the same page. I myself have played 5 games online. 3 with a buddy using the anti3d server. And FieldNomad hosted me twice. But i can't seem to get online with the new p2p and nestopia 1.40. The log file says in it

Launcher: database file "launcher.xml" not present
Is this the problem? What exactly does it launch? The rom? The p2p? Anywho, keep up the good work Rod and company.

Loaded = the full-featured 2009-2010 ROM that I think of as the "real" version as I intended the ROM to feel.

Vanilla = the same ROM as Loaded, except 3 significant gameplay changes and one minor change:

1. no HP hack (effects both MAN-MAN and MAN-COM play)

2. no COM "mojo" hack (only effects MAN-COM play)

3. original COM juice (only effects MAN-COM play)

minor - no preseason injuries

So, I called it "Vanilla" because it's only a stripped-down version of the "real" ROM. It's also more like the original as there is no HP Hack and COM will play you with the same difficulty as original TSB. [Initially, "Vanilla" was to be the exact same as Loaded except for the HP Hack, but since some players don't have the skills to handle a difficult COM, I went ahead and gave Vanilla the default TSB difficulty.]

Although I agree that Loaded can be thought of as a "harder" version when playing COM, "Easy" and "Hard" are not appropriate adjectives, in my opinion. Mainly due to the missing HP Hack. And furthermore, I don't think of these ROMs as only playing against COM. When you play MAN-MAN one is not "hard" or "easy" compared to the other.

EDIT - with this post I become...."Tecmo Legend". 1000th post. Damn.

knobbe.org is the BEST.

The download link right above the download link you clicked on to play Buck's game, is another version of Buck's game toned down on the difficulty. Buck calls it the "Vanilla" version, which I think confuses people, or makes them glaze over downloading it. I've been in touch with Buck's people about changing the copyright.

Suggestion: "Easy" & "Hard" etc.


This is awkward....I'm moving Tecmo Legend to 2000 posts....I can probably grandfather you in though

EDIT - with this post I become...."Tecmo Legend". 1000th post. Damn.

knobbe.org is the BEST.

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