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Here's the release for TSBToolSupreme for editing cxrom's 32 team ROM, regular nes TSB ROMs and TSB1 for the SNES.

Requires the .NET Framework or Mono (Windows, Macintosh, Linux) in order to run.

[Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 come with the .NET framework pre-installed].

It probably has bugs that I don't know of.

Please report Bugs you find in this thread.

Please report bugs that you find to the GitHub Repo


(new 2024!)


There is now an online version of the Editor written in Godot 3, it is available at:


It is not as full-featured as TSBToolSupreme.exe, but if you're on a mobile device or are a Mac user, it should do.

It is as functional as the Android App was (back when it worked on Android).


Features Added (Version; view 'TSBTool_README.txt for more info)

1. Confirmed mono Support
2. 'ReplaceString' function.
3. Get/Set team abbreviation, team city,  team name.


Features Added (Version

1. Schedule GUI


Features Added (Version
1. Hacks Menu added
2. Pro Bowl editing support (text + GUI) [Menu added under 'View']
3. Should work under mono on Linux & Mac now

Features Added (Version 0.9.0):
1. Uniform 'Colors' Editing (for nes ROMs) (select 'Show Colors' from the view menu).
2. Uniform 'Colors' Editing GUI (for nes ROMs)
3. Pasting Text into TSBTool main GUI removes any formatting (pastes as plain text).
4. Added 'GetBytes' feature.

TSBToolSupreme Version 0.9.1 beta
Defects Fixed:
1. Uniform usage for the cutscenes was not being updated.

Known Issues (Version 0.9.1 beta):
The Alt Uniform stuff doesn't work well for the NFC west in the 32 team ROM. This is due to issues with the ROM, not the tool.


Version -- Fixed bug that didn't allow lower case city name (SNES version default).


(2/15/2021) Version 1.3 & Beyond will be located on my GitHub releases here:


Version 1.3 + will edit 

NES: TSB1, CXROM 32 team 


'GetBytes' feature explained:
Due to the increased popularity of the 'SET' command, I have added a 'GetBytes' feature.
The 'GetBytes' feature will extract bytes from a ROM into 'SET' commands.
The input of the 'GetBytes' feature will be a text file and will look like the following:

Example #1, this will extract the bytes from the ROM from locations 0x23BC6-0x23c51


Example #2, this will extract the bytes from the ROM from locations 0x23BC6-0x23c51, and
the comment '# mini helmet stuff' will be in the results.

# mini helmet stuff

Example #3, this will extract the bytes from the ROM from locations 0x23BC6-0x23c51,
with a width of 5 bytes and the comment '# mini helmet stuff' will be in the results.

# mini helmet stuff

You can have as many lines as you want with as many comments as you like.

The result of example #3 is the like the following (rest of the results are cut off):
# mini helmet stuff








Edited by BAD_AL
Adding New Version of TSBToolSupreme (allows editing of team names, city, abbrv.)
Kick ass....now I don't have to deal with posters who end everything with "sup!!!". Thank you.

SBLUEMAN why are you trying to be such a a$$ I've havn't did anything but try to help you and everyone on this I mean members help me and I'm trying to help back on sumthing I figured out thats what the site is for right or was it that a water boy (at the time) on this site did sumthing you couldn't is that your problem, I've onley treid to help and be positive to EVERYONE on this site just read my posts, maybe you can learn sumthing from me agine and try this. SUP!!!

now lets go try BAD_AL new alpha tool he has most garishly given to us to use, just think, we might not be at this point if sum of us weren't labbing and sharing (think about it). SUP!!!

Kick ass....now I don't have to deal with posters who end everything with "sup!!!". Thank you.

SBLUEMAN why are you trying to be such a a$$ I've havn't did anything but try to help you and everyone on this I mean members help me and I'm trying to help back on sumthing I figured out thats what the site is for right or was it that a water boy (at the time) on this site did sumthing you couldn't is that your problem, I've onley treid to help and be positive to EVERYONE on this site just read my posts, maybe you can learn sumthing from me agine and try this. SUP!!!

Consider me learned.

Great work BAD_AL.


Here's the alpha release for TSBTool for cxrom's 32 team ROM (it should also work fine with other TSB nes ROMs).

I'm sure it's got bugs that I don't know of.

Known bugs:

1. Cannot set the name of the panther's punter

2. cannot set Sim data for new teams

3. Cannot set kick or punt returners for new teams

4. cannot set offensive formation for new teams

Please realize that this is an alpha release (you are an alpha tester if you use this) and make sure you check the error/ warning messages after you apply data to a rom. If you use this, make sure you do work on a copy so you don't screw up your original ROM.

Please report Bugs you find in this thread.

Not sure if you wanted a bug thread for this or if you had no plans on updating till next year. In any event, the only problem I have seen so far is an "unable to set PR\KR" error for the NFC West teams.

Nice work man.


cxrom posted this a couple weeks ago:

this is all for the NFC-West:

the numbers in "()" are length per team and "[]" is total length for all 4 teams

0x199C1 - sim data ($30)[$C0]

0x23FF0 - large helmet palettes ($08)[$20]

0x27FDB - run/pass ratio ($01)[$04]

0x2CF82 - in game jersey colors ($0A)[$28]

0x348F7 - action sequence palettes ($08)[$20]

0x34953 - division champ screen palettes ($05)[$14]

0x349D2 - conference champ screen palettes ($04)[$10]

cxrom posted this a couple weeks ago:

this is all for the NFC-West:

the numbers in "()" are length per team and "[]" is total length for all 4 teams

0x199C1 - sim data ($30)[$C0]

0x23FF0 - large helmet palettes ($08)[$20]

0x27FDB - run/pass ratio ($01)[$04]

0x2CF82 - in game jersey colors ($0A)[$28]

0x348F7 - action sequence palettes ($08)[$20]

0x34953 - division champ screen palettes ($05)[$14]

0x349D2 - conference champ screen palettes ($04)[$10]

Thanks! What about KR/PR?

could someone tell me the hex locations of the stuff that you can't change with the editor?

I don't really like to do another release so soon, but I posted the newest version (TSBToolSupreme 0.8 beta).

TSBToolSupreme can edit cxrom's 32 team ROM, nes TSB and SNES TSB1.

There are no defects that I know of in it. I'm calling it a beta because it hasn't gone through user testing (it did pass all automated tests that I have) and the fact that the 32 team ROM isn't final yet.

You can edit team formations, player names, player attributes, playbooks, team sim data, kick returner, punt returner, run/pass preference, and everything else that you can modify with TSBTool.

could someone tell me the hex locations of the stuff that you can't change with the editor?

I don't really like to do another release so soon, but I posted the newest version (TSBToolSupreme 0.8 beta).

TSBToolSupreme can edit cxrom's 32 team ROM, nes TSB and SNES TSB1.

There are no defects that I know of in it. I'm calling it a beta because it hasn't gone through user testing (it did pass all automated tests that I have) and the fact that the 32 team ROM isn't final yet.

You can edit team formations, player names, player attributes, playbooks, team sim data, kick returner, punt returner, run/pass preference, and everything else that you can modify with TSBTool.

uhh, where is this download?

could someone tell me the hex locations of the stuff that you can't change with the editor?

I don't really like to do another release so soon, but I posted the newest version (TSBToolSupreme 0.8 beta).

TSBToolSupreme can edit cxrom's 32 team ROM, nes TSB and SNES TSB1.

There are no defects that I know of in it. I'm calling it a beta because it hasn't gone through user testing (it did pass all automated tests that I have) and the fact that the 32 team ROM isn't final yet.

You can edit team formations, player names, player attributes, playbooks, team sim data, kick returner, punt returner, run/pass preference, and everything else that you can modify with TSBTool.

uhh, where is this download?

It's in the post where the alpha version was:


No luck with the uniform editing at all Al?

I've been thinking about it.

I'm not yet sure it's a feature that should go into TSBTool.

I'm thinking that maybe a separate program would be better (I'm not sure yet). I was thinking that because:

1. TSBM already edits uniforms for nes TSB.

2. The SNES version already has a uniform editor.

I think that it's really only needed for the 32 team ROM (which should also support the original version because they are so similar). And that perhaps should be a stand alone program.

On the other hand, it would be cool to extract the uniform information to a text format so that you could apply uniform edits easier to either the original TSB or the new 32 team ROM.

I'll think about it some more.


A standalone Uniform/Team Editor would be sweet. It would be cool if it were like the TSBM "Edit Teams" window (minus the playbook editing, which BAD_AL has already accounted for).

...where you can set the 'team name', 'abbreviation', 'skin color' (give more options here!) and all the 'uniforms color options'.

I would build the above in a heartbeat...if I knew how to do the graphical interface.



The super tool i downloaded last night was awesome, finished up the sim stats with it last night for my champions rosters.

the 32-Team colors are pretty accurate for me.

Like, for 'champions' i would need to change the 'Houston Texans' to the 1977 Dallas Cowboys somehow ... and change Uniform colors...

but thats hardly a pressing thing... cause i'm not a 1977 Cowboys fan.. :mrgreen:

I think its still unbelieveable that there is a 32-Team Tecmo Super Bowl to play ... let alone edit it !

Great Work, well done across the board, 5 stars.



I know you're busy - but sometime, could you mod your 'TSBPlayMaker' to work with the new 32 team rom? I've used it alot and I think it's great.

One little bug I noticed in TSBPlayMaker - when you "Copy" a playbook from one ROM to another, the 'Ball Carrier NAME' data doesn't get copied over (eg. when playing the game, the RUN plays won't have the right RB displayed above the play.)

Thanks for all the awesome work you and everyone else has done!


I know you're busy - but sometime, could you mod your 'TSBPlayMaker' to work with the new 32 team rom? I've used it alot and I think it's great.

One little bug I noticed in TSBPlayMaker - when you "Copy" a playbook from one ROM to another, the 'Ball Carrier NAME' data doesn't get copied over (eg. when playing the game, the RUN plays won't have the right RB displayed above the play.)

Thanks for all the awesome work you and everyone else has done!

Wow, someone actually uses that thing. I didn't realize it was usable. I could look into making it work for the 32 team ROM.

But don't get your hopes up on more functionality. The PlayMaker program needs a lot of work to be complete (way more time than I have to spend on it).

Wow, someone actually uses that thing.

Hell yes, I do. Forget fixing anything, it'd be cool if you could just get it to work for the 32 team ROM, as is.

On the other hand, it would be cool to extract the uniform information to a text format so that you could apply uniform edits easier to either the original TSB or the new 32 team ROM.

I'll think about it some more.

Well that's what I was thinking. IMO your TSB_TOOL has replaced TSBManager. If one editor did all these functions it would limit having to open the rom here, save and then open it up somewhere else. TSB_TOOL as almost become one-stop shopping for the edits that need to be done. I can even "swap" players like in TSBManager2000 by just cutting and pasting players to the correct slots. At this point the uniform editing is the only option missing in making it the exclusive editor of choice for TSB.

On the other hand, it would be cool to extract the uniform information to a text format so that you could apply uniform edits easier to either the original TSB or the new 32 team ROM.

I'll think about it some more.

Well that's what I was thinking. IMO your TSB_TOOL has replaced TSBManager. If one editor did all these functions it would limit having to open the rom here, save and then open it up somewhere else. TSB_TOOL as almost become one-stop shopping for the edits that need to be done. I can even "swap" players like in TSBManager2000 by just cutting and pasting players to the correct slots. At this point the uniform editing is the only option missing in making it the exclusive editor of choice for TSB.

I couldn't agree more if it had the uniform editor in the next release tsbtoolsupreme would be well the supreme editor, thanks bad_al for all (your hard work) SUP!!!


TSBToolSupreme has been updated again to fix the following defect:

Applying changes to Formations causes the 'NFL Leaders' screens to mess up.

Since this bug affected how the ROM played, I decided to fix the problem quickly (however, a fix for that defect was also posted here http://www.tecmobowl.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=10578&start=5).

The problem arose because TSBTool was setting formation at 2 locations (0x3f940, 0x31E80) for cxrom's 32 team ROM.

The first location was correct, but the second location was not.

I'm not sure why it needed to be set in 2 locations for the original TSB (I think that TSBM did it that way and that I just copied the functionality into TSBTool).

New version is in same post, here http://www.tecmobowl.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=6941&start=141

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