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Auto Keyboard Program (SIM Editing)


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Also, just in case...

This is a nice program for those who would like to really tailor their in-game roster SIM stats to be specific for their ROM. Turn your emulation speed in FCEUX (or emulator of choice) on 'Turbo', set your season rosters to CPU, set this program to re-enter whatever key you're using as your "A" button on the Nintendo controller input, and let it go. Perfect for running full seasons of complete team data while your away at work, busy with chores, watching football, or sleeping!

**NOTE: There could be better programs for this use. I'm not entirely sure. I'm am, by no means, the czar of Auto keyboard program variety knowledge. That being said, I have also noted in my usage currently that this kind of program would benefit from a simultaneous key stroke press. That way, you could run multiple instances of FCEUX, and program the Auto Keyboard to follow a sequence of key presses. Alternating between two specifically, would be the aforementioned "A" stroke, followed by a combo key press of "windows button + tab / tab." If an auto keyboard program could be setup this way, then you could get multiple seasons (as many as you want, really) running at the same time, with the keyboard prog alternating between the windows and hitting the "A" button mechanically. That would be cool.

As it is, still pretty helpful. :)

Auto Keyboard: http://www.autokeyboard.com/

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