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About This File

Remember the original Ken Griffey Jr. baseball game?  Remember how annoying it was to play with real teams, but had players you've never heard of and you had to MANUALLY change each player, one letter at a time, using your baseball cards as reference?
Here is that game but with MAJOR changes, and it only took THIRTY(ish) years! 

1) All the players have been re-named to their real-life counterparts, this includes the regular rosters AND the All-Star rosters.

2) The Homerun Derby has been overhauled with real MLB  players: Ken Griffey Jr. (the lone holdover from the original roster), Frank Thomas, Cal Ripken, Barry Bonds, Dave Justice and Tony Gwynn.

3) Small details that the original creators overlooked, such as the RH/LH stances of about one-in-ten of the players has been corrected.  The appearances of some race-swapped players have been fixed.  Also, there are no longer any 5'9" "tall & lanky" players, just as there are no more 6'5" "short & rounds."


4) Other small details, mostly concerning high ERAs and lowercase Cs.


I didn't do too much to the player ratings, choosing to keep the original ratings the developers decided on. The biggest change was upping Deion Sanders SPD rating to 10. This is expected, being the fastest player (just ask him) in the league at the time.


(I am aware the game came out in 1994 so this is technically not the 30th anniversary. The game is based on the 1993 season which happened 30 years ago.)


Edited by Baron von Lector

What's New in Version 10/30/2023 11:12 PM   See changelog


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