About This File
This is a roster edit of the 28 team Tecmo Super Bowl ROM for the NES. I used an online dice roller to select what year each team ended up with. No hacks have been applied to this ROM, it is vanilla as vanilla can be in those regards. Below are the year's the teams rolled. I simmed one season and the 1966 Bears won the Super Bowl, never underestimate Gayle Sayers!!! Enjoy!
1999 Bills
2020 Colts
1979 Dolphins
2001 Patriots
2021 Jets
1984 Redskins
1992 Giants
1967 Eagles
1976 Cardinals
2008 Cowboys
1983 Bengals
1979 Browns
2003 Titans
1988 Steelers
1966 Bears
2013 Lions
1975 Packers
2007 Vikings
2019 Buccaneers
1974 Broncos
1968 Chiefs
1988 Raiders
1973 Chargers
1998 Seahawks
2014 49ers
1992 Rams
2014 Saints
2014 Falcons