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By popular demand, I present Bad News Baseball 2017.


All of the rosters, statistics, ratings, and one team's uniform colors have been updated from the original NES game. 


The twelve teams included are: San Francisco Giants, Los Angeles Dodgers, Atlanta Braves, Chicago Cubs, St. Louis Cardinals, New York Yankees, Minnesota Twins, Oakland Athletics, Texas Rangers, Boston Red Sox, Detroit Tigers, and Toronto Blue Jays.  All of the teams from the original game carried over to this updated version, except for the New York Mets who were changed to the Yankees.


The information found in a handful of forum threads made this update.  What wasn't available in the forums, through trial and error I stumbled through and figured out.


When comparing this to the original version of Bad News Baseball, this game does seem to provide a lot of offense.  Keeping the opposing team in single digit runs is a great feat.  My explanation for this that Bad News Baseball is a game played on the field by children (likely Little Leaguers).  Bad News Baseball 2017 replaces those children with grown-up Major League men.  When you put adults on a Little League field, most certainly balls are going to fly out of the ballpark.



What's New in Version 1.0.1


  • Fixed an issue where during the Yankees' cutscene, uniform colors were displayed improperly.
  • Changed the Detroit uniform color scheme from black/gray to dark blue/gray so as to differentiate them from the Yankees who have the same color scheme.

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