About This File
Tecmo Super Bowl 2013
Table of Contents
A. How This Works
B. How To Play - Windows
C. How to Play Online - Windows
D. How To Play - Mac
E. Tecmo Super Bowl 2013 Notes
F. Credits
A. How this works:
If you're new to emulation:
ROM = Game or Cartridge (.nes file)
Emulator = NES System
B. How To Play - Windows
If you don't have an emulator, Nestopia is available in the download file.
C. How to Play Online - Windows
We recommend starting out at the TPC - http://www.tecmoplayers.com. Most TPC players use the original Tecmo Super Bowl ROM, but you might be able to find some people playing TSB 2013. Remember that the versions of the game must be exactly the same or it won’t work.
If you’re looking for an online league, we recommend TecmoBowl.org's Online Tecmo Leagues.
D. How to Play - Mac
Download Nestopia for Mac and open the ROM (.nes file) - http://www.bannister.org/software/nestopia.htm
E. Tecmo Super Bowl 2013 notes:
- In order to get the proper Pro Bowl players, you will need to reset the season from the Schedule menu
- 32-Team ROM
- Rosters current as of 9/2/12
- Adjustable quarter length
- Playbook editing in-game
- Player 2 attributes now display correctly
- Halftime stats
- Passing Accuracy now works. Passing Accuracy determines if a pass will be completed. Pass Control determines if the ball will be on target
- Quickness now works. This will be the maximum speed of a defender if they pick up a fumble or make an interception
F. Credits
Graphics/Hacks - MGK
Rosters/Attributes - K. Costner
Cover Art - Tecmo Psycho
Promo - davefmurray
Sim/Merge - Knobbe
Thanks to:
Jstout, Bruddog, Cxrom, Bad-Al & Buck for the hacking knowledge and tools
Members of TecmoBowl.org for helping to BETA test and for making this all worthwhile
What's New in Version Preseason See changelog
- Fixed QB run sack glitch
- Updated Jersey colors
- Various roster tweaks/fixes