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11 files

  1. NPB Bad News Baseball

    NPB mod for Bad News Baseball!
    The NPB is the premier professional baseball league in Japan
    All new team logos, all new team names
    No player stats have been changed, simply the names have. The game plays the same as the original



  2. Deth Complex!

    Your last memory of the free world is:  you walking alone in the basement parking garage, you reach for your keys and next thing you feel is a thud and then everything turns to blackness. When you emerge from the darkness a monstrous face appears on the once static filled wall tv monitor. It says to you, "Welcome to my Deth Complex!". You find out quickly that death is lurking around every corner! You must find and rescue your son Billy, who also has been abducted, and find a way out of this factory of Death! 
    This NES ROM requires UNROM 512 / Mapper#30 supported hardware or emulators. Please use Mesen, FCEUX, or original NES hardware via flash cart for the best experience.
    Made with NESmaker: https://www.thenew8bitheroes.com/downloads
    Play from your browser here at Retroverse: https://theretroverse.com/welcome/icon_view?g=TWpNNA==
    A button: Jump/NPC text
    B button: Swing Bat
    Start: Start Game/Pause
    Select: Resets Game to Start Screen



  3. Major League (Translated)

    Originally this was a game meant to be released in the U.S. per the movie release of Major League but it was only released in Japan. Here is the recently patched English version.



  4. Tecmo NBA Basketball 2020

    Based off the NBA Basketball 2018 game hack, so it's primarily a roster update only (as of 03/11/2020)--season ending due to COVID-19 outbreak. This is a fully functional game, but I consider it a beta/prototype because:
    *missing 3 teams--including the Toronto Raptors! (sorry, I'm not currently fluent in ROM hacking enough to extend this game from 27 teams to 30 teams)
    *missing 2 conferences (same; don't know how to hack this yet)
    *updated player stats, but don't fully understand the player editor at the moment (though I have a good feel for it)



  5. Tecmo NBA Basketball 2019

    Based off the NBA Basketball 2018 game hack, so it's primarily a roster update only (as of 05/31/2019). This is a fully functional game, but I consider it a beta/prototype because:
    *missing 3 teams--including the Toronto Raptors! (sorry, I'm not currently fluent in ROM hacking enough to extend this game from 27 teams to 30 teams)
    *missing 2 conferences (same; don't know how to hack this yet)
    *updated player stats, but don't fully understand the player editor at the moment (though I have a good feel for it)



  6. Bad News Baseball 2017

    By popular demand, I present Bad News Baseball 2017.
    All of the rosters, statistics, ratings, and one team's uniform colors have been updated from the original NES game. 
    The twelve teams included are: San Francisco Giants, Los Angeles Dodgers, Atlanta Braves, Chicago Cubs, St. Louis Cardinals, New York Yankees, Minnesota Twins, Oakland Athletics, Texas Rangers, Boston Red Sox, Detroit Tigers, and Toronto Blue Jays.  All of the teams from the original game carried over to this updated version, except for the New York Mets who were changed to the Yankees.
    The information found in a handful of forum threads made this update.  What wasn't available in the forums, through trial and error I stumbled through and figured out.
    When comparing this to the original version of Bad News Baseball, this game does seem to provide a lot of offense.  Keeping the opposing team in single digit runs is a great feat.  My explanation for this that Bad News Baseball is a game played on the field by children (likely Little Leaguers).  Bad News Baseball 2017 replaces those children with grown-up Major League men.  When you put adults on a Little League field, most certainly balls are going to fly out of the ballpark.



  7. Super Mario 2016

    This is Super Mario Bros. 2016!
    In short, this is a graphically enhanced version of the original Super Mario Bros. for the NES.  Using Tile Layer Pro, I swapped out most of SMB's sprites with those found in Super Mario Bros. 2 and 3.  Those that I didn't swap, I modified to give them more of a SMB2/3 feel.
    No gameplay was modified, as this is strictly a cosmetic update.  In fact, the only time I used a hex editor was when I changed the date on the title screen from 1985 to 2016.  Nothing more.



  8. Baseball Stars Pennant Chase

    This is a version of Baseball Stars where all the of the teams could contend for a league title, as a departure from the original format where the teams had a graduated increase in talent.  All the teams have had their players' stats upgraded in varying degrees with the Crushers, Ladies, Monsters, and Powers receiving the most extensive stat upgrades, while the Dreams received the fewest upgrades (only bench players Billy and Paul were upgraded). 



  9. FIFA Brazil 2014

    This is my most ambitious edit project to date.  To give an idea of the original ROM based on a Japanese professional football league (J.League Winning Goal), check out the images below:
    One of the first things I did was to translate the ROM to English.  On ROMHacking.net, there was a patch provided that reduced my workload by about 50%.
    Next, I replaced all of the team flags with each country's national flags.  The countries in the game are:  United States, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Colombia, Belgium, France, England, Mexico, Germany, Italy, and Portugal.  After replacing the flags, I replaced the original team logos with the logo or crest for each country's football association.
    After changing the logos, I modified the rosters and ratings for each player to accurately reflect the 2014 World Cup.
    The kit colors came next.  I had to go with a team's 2nd or 3rd colors in order to make it as accurate as possible.
    Finally, to pander the the Tecmo crowd, I updated the appearance to have more of a Tecmo-feel to it.  The fonts were replaced with those from Tecmo Super Bowl, along with a few color schemes (white on black, white on blue).
    In regards to the game, there are two modes:  Exhibition (1 or 2 players) and League.  League emulates a larger-scale pool play in the sense that every team will play every other team once before a Champion is crowned.



  10. Bad News Baseball: Under The Lights

    This is a 'night mode' hack of Bad News Baseball. No player data has been edited, so it is a true BNB playing experience with only graphical enhancements. MLB plays over 2/3 of its games at night, so this hack reflects today's play better than the original. The muted colors are also easier on the eyes as the original plays especially bright on computer monitors (grass is bright neon green and dirt is bright orange). Other changes include updated title screen (would still like to hack it with the subtitle included 'Under the Lights'), updated logos to better reflect real MLB teams, updated team colors to better reflect today's uniforms, and many more things I'm forgetting. This also includes the hack enabling Girl Mode easier (just hit select on 1st player controller).



  11. NHL Pro Sport Hockey 2016

    This was a collaborative effort between myself (hex editing), Bodom and stalltalk (ratings). There are 24 teams on the ROM. I kept most of the original teams, with a few exceptions (Hartford out/Anaheim in, San Jose out/Dallas in, New Jersey out/Nashville in, Quebec out/Colorado in).

    I based the rosters off of the depth charts on RotoWorld.com.

    Also, to give the game more of a Tecmo feel, I swapped out the main game font and replaced it with the font from Tecmo Super Bowl.



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