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Everything posted by TecmoTurd

  1. nope, it ran perfect on mame for me...IM me and I'll try to get you setup...
  2. Is there a way to lateral in that game? I have the rom, but I can't seem to figure it out (I thought I remembered reading that you could). Either way...where did you get that game? I might be interested, although I suspect shipping might be insane...where you at?
  3. Not sure if this assumption is true, but I just read this post: http://tecmobowl.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=9865 And gathered that the calculator isn't asking for NFL stats, it's asking for stats from the previous season of tecmo in the CTL league. Correct me if I'm wrong... It wouldn't be hard to write one that was based off of NFL stats though...not that I need another distraction
  4. Actually, while a decent sized project, this wouldn't be impossible. I actually wrote a stats scraper so I could have live scoring for my fantasy football website...would be something similar to that...I'd just need the code he used for the CTL calculator, although it looks like it's just using javascript...
  5. I hear the 32 team rom for our beloved SNES isn't possible...either way, in MY opinion, SNES Tecmo > NES Tecmo
  6. Very handy...editing hex by hand angers me. I can just write some scripts that generate frequently used set commands and be on my way... Awesome.
  7. Buck, great idea. I did something similar for the snes game for setting when each jersey is used...but I edit the hex by hand. I could take it one step further and make my sheet generate the set commands for the tool. I didn't even know the set command existed! Is the first parameter just the starting offset, and the second parameter the hex to write? Does the set command just keep writing bytes as long as the string is? For example, if i give it: SET(x221,x0307) or SET(x221,x03070C1000) The command just knows to keep writing bytes until it reachs the end of the second parameter?
  8. I love this board. Leave it to the knobbe crew to start a discussion based on Bobby Boucher's tecmo ratings. I actually did some searching and got full rosters for some of the teams...we'll see how much more I can get Can't promise anything because I just had a son and I just joined a league which I did the graphics for and am helping out with webmaster duties, so time is tight, but I'm keeping this one open... Still gotta find out if I can remove teams...I think I know of a way...
  9. But of course...I got all the big ones...after 12 I think i lost count. I excluded ones such as Rudy because it's a real team, and some of the other old football movies that I don't think would translate well. I wonder if you can remove teams from the game so I don't have to force 28 teams...
  10. They were on there too...I'm at work so I don't have my original list...
  11. lol, yeah...might have to be an even teams rom or something cause hey, they are all great, right? Now, if there was only a way to get the locker-room hero speech and the slow clap in the game...that would be the ultimate...
  12. The Program was on my list...I only named a few. Actually, that or Friday Night Lights (TV show) would be my two faves...
  13. I was thinking about a fun version of a rom that had all the great high school/college/etc (non-NFL) football teams from TV/Movies over the years. Could really only come up with 12 or so, and then I thought maybe including their rivals might take up some more spots...probalby don't have much time to do it right now, but I think it might be a fun project in the future... Remember the Titans Friday Night Lights Wildcats Best of Times Necessary Roughness The Replacements Just to name a few...
  14. Interesting...thanks for the response...
  15. I have been able to. Could it be the header? The other version couldn't do roms with a header...
  16. For the people here who prefer the NES version, what are your reasons for liking it vs. the SNES version? Only reason I ask is for curiosity's sake...since elway released his retro snes rom, graphics are now out of the picture, and the game is mostly the same after that...just curious what people's thoughts are...
  17. I noticed I was able to still edit the uniform colors via STUE. Now I want to try to do this...as even tough the SNES version is my game, nostalgia hits me sometimes and I dig the old nes style graphics... I'm working on an SNES wiki with loads of awesome SNES hacking documentation gained from conversations, trial and error, messageboard posts, etc, and I'd love to fire a few quick questions at you to see if I can add anything to the wiki...if you don't mind, can you post your aim sn or send me an IM to TecmoTurd?
  18. That's like, totally awesome. Was it hard? Were you able to just copy the player tiles over?
  19. As do I, which is why if we could generate ratings and then fix the bad ones manually and then run sim data...that'd be awesome...
  20. That would be sweet...I did just find out TSBSupreme generates sim data based off of ratings... Interesting idea...wonder how hard it would be to write something like that. I'll put that one on the idea list
  21. There's an editor on this forum that takes care of all that tasty goodness...check out this thread: TSBTool Supreme
  22. No prob, thanks for all your hard work. P.S. I noticed playbooks on the supreme version...I assume those don't work with the TSB1 SNES version?
  23. Dude, I love this thing. You've written an app that is so easy to navigate, and has plain-text features...kudos, it's a huge time-saver...
  24. Edit: This was supposed to be a "reply" not a "new topic." Sorry! Bad_AL, I love your editor. Use it exclusively for editing SNES TSB...now the all-in-one is fantastic. Glad to see GUI editing for SNES version now too.. I have a question about the "auto-update sim attributes" feature...does that just take ratings and attempt to apply sim codes based on that?
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