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Tecmo Bowl Game of the Week?


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I don't think we have enough guys to get a league going, but we do have a few guys who professed interest in playing Tecmo Bowl. I think it'd be fun to play some casual games though, and one idea I thought of was the TB Game(s) of the week. I was thinking we play a game of TB, and you can only play matchups that are on the NFL schedule for that week...it'd promote picking different teams, get some people playing, etc. People could play their games in a casual manner, post their recaps, all in league style without the obligation to play league games.

Think anyone would be interested? Just tryin' to get a few more people playing the game.

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I think that people are just un-willing to try this game because they did a while back and they didn't like it or /are were turned off by its apparent extreme simplicity. The truth is that if you know what you're doing, there's a lot of strategies and the game actually makes a lot of sense. It has a lot of unique features, and is at least a great change of pace from TSB, some who've studied every feature think it is better.

Overall, we'd probably just be happy enough to see some people try it, not even competitively or anything. Maybe some new guys could try playing each other after reading some rules and a bit of game-planning. Turd has a website in his sig which you could upload your games to, if you wish, as well.

Highly-recommended starting points for players who want to know basic(and far beyond) strategy are here and here:

http://www.tecmobowl.bravehost.com/tips.html(might be a bit pop-uppy depending on what you have, but still absolutely great)

Rules which are probably good to follow, only number one is essential:

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